Cute barista

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Instead of Tzuyu being in Twice, she's a college student who works as a barista in JYPE's cafeteria, where she meets Jihyo.

"Ughhh I'm so tired" Sana groaned

"You girls wanna go to the cafeteria and get coffee" Jihyo asked as the leader

The girls agreed as they got their things together and headed down to the JYPE cafeteria.


As the girls made it they couldn't help but notice a new someone working in the cafe.

"Is she new?" Momo asked

"I don't know but she looks hot" Nayeon said

The girls all complimented the new girl and checked her out, while Jihyo was starstruck. She admired every detail about the girl. Her black hair that was beautifully tied into a ponytail, her height that she could perfectly fit in, her plump lips, and much more.

Jihyo was admiring the new barista so much that she didn't notice her members calling for her.

"Yah! Park Jihyo!" Jeongyeon exclaimed

"Unnie!" Chaeyoung shouted

Jihyo got out of her trance as she looked at her members.

"We see you checking her out too unnie~" Dahyun teased

"W-what no!"

"Don't worry Jihyo-yah~ we'll let you order for us" Momo said nudging her

Jihyo rolled her eyes as the members told her what they wanted. The leader slowly walked up to the counter where the pretty barista was.

"Hi! May I take your order?" The beautiful girl asked smiling

Jihyo's heart raced. There's no way she could talk to this angel in front of her, especially with those dimples.

"I-I umm...m-may I have four i-iced americanos and uh...two smoothies, and
t-three iced teas" Jihyo took a deep breath before mentally slapping herself for stuttering

"Of course! Your name for the order?" The barista asked


"Cute name" The tall girl said smiling

Jihyo blushed before the barista gave her a table number.

"I'll bring it to you when it's done, Jihyo"

Jihyo swear she was gonna faint. The leader smiled and nodded before quickly going back to her members.

"You look like a tomato Jihyo unnie" Mina stated

Jihyo shook her head as she calmed down.

"Did you order everything correctly?" Nayeon asked. Jihyo nodded and all they had to do was wait

As time went by, Jihyo finally saw the cute barista waking over to them with a tray of drinks.

"Alright I got, four iced americanos, two smoothies, and three iced teas" The barista read out

"Yes" Jeongyeon responded

The barista caught a glimpse of Jihyo who immediately looked away shyly.

The tall girl passed out the drinks as she continued to look at Jihyo.

"Oh! I almost forgot" The barista said making the members look at her curiously. The tall girl went back to her station before coming back with a croissant that was filled with chocolate. "For the pretty lady.." The barista said softly before handing it to Jihyo.

Jihyo blushed as her members smirked watching the scene.

"It's on the house...from me"

"T-thank you?.." Jihyo trailed off

"Tzuyu. My name's Tzuyu"

"Thank you Tzuyu" Jihyo said smiling

Tzuyu bowed while showing her dimples before walking away.

"Jihyo-yah~ you have taste" Sana winked

Jihyo took the croissant out of the paper before seeing a note on the back of the paper.

Here's my number, ********** call me or text me sometime. I would love to get to know you more<3

Jihyo grinned before looking at Tzuyu's direction who was already staring at her.

"Wait for me after my shift" Tzuyu mouthed

Jihyo looked at Tzuyu confused not knowing what she said.

The tall girl took a piece of paper before writing what she said as she turned it around for the leader to read.

Jihyo nodded as Tzuyu smiled.

The sun was setting as Tzuyu's shift was now over while she was the only one at the cafe. The tall girl was cleaning till she heard the elevator door open. She looked over to see Jihyo with her practice bag.

"You waited here?!" Tzuyu asked surprised

"Well of course. You asked me too" Jihyo said

"I-I didn't think you would actually stay in the building" Tzuyu said, Jihyo giggled before taking a seat in one of the chairs. "I'm almost done cleaning then we can go somewhere if you want" Tzuyu said

Jihyo responded with a nod as she decided to help the girl.

"I'm ready to go, and thanks for the help by the way" Tzuyu said

"Anytime. Where did you wanna go?" Jihyo asked with her bag over her shoulder as they started walking out

"Maybe a walk along Han river, but first.." Tzuyu took Jihyo's bag off her shoulder before carrying it for her "let me carry this"

"Tzuyu. You don't have too"

"Please..and plus I bet you've been practicing all day, you must be tired" Tzuyu said, she wasn't wrong

"Well thank you...and walk sounds great" Jihyo said smiling

"Yea! Plus we can get to know each other more along the walk"

Jihyo nodded as they got to Tzuyu's car, excited to get to know this beautiful girl.

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