Big Teddy bear

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Jihyo wasn't that big on affection. Whenever the members would cling onto Jihyo she wouldn't really do anything. She'll just let them do their thing. Although for one specific person... it's different, Chou Tzuyu to be exact. Tzuyu is the youngest of the group, but the tallest. She's tall with long legs and big arms.

Even though Jihyo doesn't really like affection, she likes it coming from Tzuyu. Jihyo loves being in the young girl's embrace, due to height differences whenever Jihyo hugs Tzuyu she feels like she's hugging a big teddy bear.

"Tzuyu can I have a hug~" Jihyo asked pouting

"Not with that expression" Jeongyeon interrupted

Jihyo rolled her eyes as the rest of the members joined in teasing her. The group is in the waiting room taking a break from the music video they are shooting.

"Don't be so mean to my unnie." Tzuyu said pulling Jihyo into her arms

Usually Jihyo is the one who goes in for the hug, but whenever Tzuyu pulls her in she gets butterflies in her stomach and her face creeps a blush.

"You have such a soft spot for our leader Tzuyu-yah" Sana teased

"N-no!" Tzuyu protested

"Wait you're right. It's our leader who has a soft spot for you, or I'm sorry your leader~" Nayeon added

"Ughhh.. stop" Jihyo whined feeling embarrassed

Tzuyu then pulled Jihyo closer making the older girl's head rest on her chest as one arms wraps around her waist while the other holds her head keeping her close.

"It's okay unnie... I like it when you're soft for me.." Tzuyu whispered in Jihyo's ear

Jihyo felt her knees go weak as she held onto the sides of Tzuyu's shirt.

"Oh now you whispering sweet nothings!" Momo said making a dramatic voice

"Why do you like to hug Jihyo unnie so much Tzuyu?" Chaeyoung ask

"Yea! Whenever we try you pulled away" Dahyun added pouting

"I don't know.. she's different?.." Tzuyu said not knowing how to explain it

"How is she different?" Mina asked looking up from her phone

"Well...I like to hug her cause our height difference. Jihyo unnie is smaller than me so it makes it easy for me to just scoop her up or bring her into a hug" Tzuyu said

"Cute!" Sana squealed

"What about you Park Jihyo?" Jeongyeon asked

"I have nothing to say!" Jihyo said sounding muffled from her head still buried in Tzuyu's chest

"Yah. Maybe if your face wasn't buried in our maknae's boobs we could hear you" Momo said

Nayeon hit Momo's arm as Jihyo's eyes widen while she quickly pulled away from Tzuyu's embrace.

"Heyy.." Tzuyu pouted once Jihyo pulled away

"You guys are so immature!" Jihyo said covering her red face

Jihyo then stormed off into the restroom.

"You unnies really can't keep your mouth shut" Tzuyu said crossing her arms

"Hey! Don't talk to your unnies like that" Jeongyeon said

Tzuyu moved closer to Jeongyeon as she towered over her. Since Jeongyeon was sitting down while Tzuyu being tall and standing over her, the young girl looked intimidating.

"Oh yea? Or what" Tzuyu asked bending down

"Damn. N-nothing!" Jeongyeon said

Tzuyu laughed as she pointed at Jeongyeon.


"Ha! You were so scared unnie!" Tzuyu said laughed

Jeongyeon puffed out as she threw a pillow at Tzuyu.

"Cry baby unnie." Tzuyu said giggling

Time skippp

The girls just finished the music video as they all went home.

Everyone was doing their own thing while Jihyo was laying on her bed. That was until Tzuyu came knocking on her door.

"Come in!" Jihyo shouted

Tzuyu opened the door as she closed it on the way in.

"Oh hi Tzuyu" Jihyo said putting down her book

"Unnie can I um.. cuddle you?.." Tzuyu asked shyly playing with her fingers

Jihyo smiled as she pulled Tzuyu onto her bed. Tzuyu giggled while she made Jihyo lay on her chest as she wrapped her arms around the older girl.

"Can I ask you something unnie?"


"Why do you like to hug me a lot?" Tzuyu asked

" feels like I'm hugging a big teddy bear" Jihyo said snuggling closer to Tzuyu

Tzuyu felt shy as she held Jihyo by her head keeping her close once again.


"Yea.. I feel safe in you arms and you make me feel comfortable" Jihyo said

Tzuyu smiled as she placed a kiss on the older girl's head before her hands went under Jihyo's shirt as she drew circles on her back.

Jihyo felt sleepy by the way Tzuyu's fingertips traced on her back while soon she feel asleep. Tzuyu giggled hearing snores as she just closed her eyes enjoying the warmth.

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