Come on be my baby, come on

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Jihyo is a straight A student. She's a good kid and is very kind. Teachers absolutely love her and students adore her. Jihyo is one of the kindest souls you will ever meet and that's why she's the schools president. People respect her because she respects others.

Her parents couldn't be more proud of her and are grateful they have such a gifted daughter.

Although lately...Jihyo has been feeling a different type of way. You see, Ms.President, has a crush. But not just on's no other than Chou Tzuyu.

Chou Tzuyu is the opposite of Jihyo. She has a temper and can get mad easily. She hates everyone so she bullies almost everyone. She hates friends so she doesn't really care for friendship. People are scared of her so she doesn't have a relationship. Her grades are always bad because she couldn't care less about school. And lastly her parents...her parents are rich and expect Tzuyu to do well in school and learn how to run a business like her father.

Tzuyu doesn't wanna do that. She wants to live life and go mess around. She's always in the principal's office or detention.

Jihyo doesn't know why she's feeling this way for the troublemaker. Tzuyu definitely won't feel the same and they never talk. In fact Tzuyu's never really bullied Jihyo or messed with her.

The straight A student has absolutely heart eyes for Tzuyu. She feels like the troublemaker is misunderstood. Maybe if she gave Jihyo a chance things would change?...

"She's so cute and handsome at the same time..." Jihyo sighed out smiling

Her friend group of eight people, including her, were sitting in the cafeteria.

"I don't know what you see in her Ji" Nayeon rolled her eyes

"Yea, why would you want to be with a bully" Sana asked

Jihyo looked at the tall girl who was sitting by herself.

"She's not that bad...she just needs someone" Jihyo explained

"She is that bad, especially with her temper" Jeongyeon added

"Exactly, imagine what she would do to you if you guys ever got into an argument" Momo spoke eating her fries

"Ugh you guys are so judgmental. I'm sure away from school, she's calm and gentle, mostly with the people she loves" Jihyo said trying to defend her crush

"Why would you wanna be a bad student unnie? I mean you're way opposite of her" Dahyun asked sipping her soda

"And not to hurt your feelings unnie, but I don't think she would feel the same. I mean just saying..." Chaeyoung said

Jihyo huffed out.

"Maybe try sitting with her" Mina suddenly suggested

Jihyo's eyes widen almost as if a light bulb turned on in her head.

"I should! Thank you Mina" Jihyo thanked before happily walking towards the mean girl

"She's dead..." Nayeon murmured

As Jihyo got closer, she got more nervous. But she took a deep breath before sitting across the girl.

Tzuyu looked up from her phone making eye contact with Jihyo.

"H-hi!" Jihyo greeted

"What." Tzuyu asked coldly squeezing her juice box

Jihyo cleared her throat.

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