Changing for her

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Ah yes, the cliche love story. Where a bad boy and an innocent girl meet suddenly, of course he ends up falling for her making him soft which leads to him changing himself to be a good kid.

Luckily for senior high schooler Chou Tzuyu, that's exactly the position she's in. The girl is the biggest troublemaker in the school, all the students, staff, teachers, and even kids from other schools know about her. And not for good things.

She's known for causing trouble, bullying kids, talking back to the teacher, and many others things that are too long to list. Tzuyu didn't know why she did what she did, all she knew was that she kinda got a thrill out of it, also it made people respect her. Only because they're afraid of her.

Although that changed once she met the school president, Park Jihyo.

Jihyo was a straight A student. Teachers loved her and students did too. She's the sweetest girl you'll ever meet and the smartest student. The girl is known for how academically gifted she is and her humble attitude. Then there's those moments where Jihyo can be stern if she has to when dealing with a student.

Now see the difference?...

Tzuyu is always getting in trouble by Jihyo. The troublemaker doesn't know if it's because she's been around Jihyo too much lately or if it's because she actually has feelings.

It started when Tzuyu once again got in trouble by Jihyo.


"Who do you think you are?!" Tzuyu yelled pushing the kid against his locker


"Shut up! You think you can walk away without paying me back??" Tzuyu chuckled holding the boy by his collar

"N-no! I s-swear" The kid pleaded

"I'll beat your ass right here" Tzuyu said slamming the boy into the locker again

"P-please.." The boy begged

Just as Tzuyu was about to give the boy a beat down. A ball hit the locker almost hitting her in the head.

Tzuyu let go of the boy looking around to see who threw it. As soon as she let go the kid ran.

"Hey! You little shit!" Tzuyu shouted

She was about to run after him when someone called her.

"Going somewhere Chou Tzuyu?..."

Tzuyu grinned to herself recognizing the voice before slowly turning around.

"Why hello princess~" Tzuyu said scrunching her nose

"Don't call me that. Why were you messing with that freshman" Jihyo asked which sound more like a demanded

"What? That kid owes me $20 bucks" Tzuyu said frowning

"Oh please, take that frown off your face. Go to the office" The president demanded

Tzuyu chuckled before walking up to the small girl.

"I'm sure there's something we can work out princess...?" Tzuyu said twirling her finger around a piece of Jihyo's hair

Jihyo's heart raced as she bit the inside of her cheeks looking up at the girl with her arms crossed.

"Oh yea? what"

Tzuyu smiled before suddenly spinning Jihyo around as she back hugged her.

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