Sharing Headphones Story

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Tzuyu and Jihyo have known each other since High School. Tzuyu was a new student from Taiwan while Jihyo who was the president of the school was assigned to show Tzuyu around the school and her classes.

"Park Jihyo" The principal said coming up to Jihyo

"Oh hello sir" Jihyo said closing her locker before bowing

"This is our new student from Taiwan" The principal said

"H-hello.." The girl said quietly before bowing

Jihyo felt like she was in one of those movies when the main lead meets the female lead. Jihyo felt like Tzuyu was moving in slow motion giving her the chance to check out the Taiwanese. Her long hair that was put into a ponytail, long legs that made her tall, her doe eyes, everything about her made Jihyo feel like she was looking at a literal princess.

"I want you to show her around the school and where her classes are" The principal said

"Yes of course" Jihyo said

"Thank you. I knew I could count on you" The principal said smiling before he walked away

"Hi! I'm Park Jihyo!"

"I'm C-Chou Tzuyu"

Jihyo scanned the girl for a moment. She was very quiet and didn't seem like she talks a lot.

"You like music?" Jihyo asked pointing at Tzuyu's headphones

Tzuyu nodded as she clenched her strap of her backpack that was around her chest. Noticing this action, Jihyo knew Tzuyu was nervous, shy, and clearly did not wanna be here.

"May I listen to it with you? While I show you around" Jihyo asked softly while smiling

A small smile tugged a Tzuyu's lips a little before she handed the other earpiece to Jihyo.

"Nice music taste Tzuyu" Jihyo said swaying softly to the tune

Tzuyu giggled a little before Jihyo suddenly took her hand into hers.

"Now. Shall we start?" Jihyo asked looking up at Tzuyu

Tzuyu tried hiding her red ears feeling Jihyo's small hand holding hers. Tzuyu nodded fast as she gripped Jihyo's hand.

"Let's start outside then"

Jihyo smiled secretly as she was kicking her feet and screaming inside. The feeling of Tzuyu's big hand holding her own makes her feeling butterflies and the jazz like music they're listening to puts the mood on.

The whole day Jihyo showed Tzuyu around as the two held hands and listened to music the whole time. Luckily Tzuyu has most of her classes with Jihyo.

From that day on the two have always shared headphones. Whenever Tzuyu walked to classes Jihyo would walk with her, whenever she walked home or rode the train Jihyo would be with her while they listened to music enjoying the atmosphere or they would talk about their day.

The two girls always held hands since Tzuyu felt comfortable. Walking home, to classes, or riding the train home, Jihyo held Tzuyu's hand. There was times where Jihyo would fall asleep on Tzuyu's shoulder on the train home...and still she never let go of Tzuyu's hand.

Years later after training together and being in the same group, they're still the same kids they were in High School.

In the waiting room the members would catch Jihyo and Tzuyu listening to the same music they did in High School while they held hands as Jihyo would either lay on Tzuyu's shoulder or she would end up falling asleep and still....she never let go of Tzuyu's hand.

That's their High School story.

Sharing Headphones Story.

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