Getting treated like a queen

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A/N: I won't be active for a couple days cause I'm going with my dad so sorry if I don't post

Ever since Tzuyu confessed her love to Jihyo, the maknae has changed. Not in a bad but in a promising way.

Jihyo's last relationship was abusive. He always treated her like shit and as if she was a dog. So that caused Jihyo to never want to get into a relationship ever again, but that changed when Tzuyu came around. Tzuyu knew about Jihyo's past relationship, all the girls knew and knew how scared the leader was.

Although once Tzuyu found out her feelings she knew it was gonna be hard.

"Unnie.." Tzuyu grabbed Jihyo's hands as her thumbs caressed them

Jihyo felt at peace. Usually whenever someone would touch her without asking or suddenly, the leader would flinch. But never with Tzuyu..

"I know what I'm about to say might scare you but...I like you unnie. No. I love you unnie" Tzuyu confessed

Jihyo was frozen. She knows her feelings towards the maknae but pushed them away. Of course she doesn't think Tzuyu would do all those bad things to her but still the thought scared her.


"I understand if you're not ready yet. But till then I'll treat you like a queen. I'll make you breakfast, take you shopping, I'll protect you, anything he didn't do...I'll do" Tzuyu said as she pulled the older woman in for a hug

Jihyo felt like she was safe in the younger's arms. Her head buried into the maknae's chest as Tzuyu's big arms wrapped around her body holding her tight.

Jihyo hesitantly wrapped her arms around Tzuyu's waist as Tzuyu caressed her hair.

"If you give me a chance unnie, I'll give you anything in the world. I'll give you the love that you deserve" Tzuyu said kissing the top of Jihyo's head

Jihyo started tearing up. Could she be the one? Would she finally find happiness with her?

Jihyo pulled away with tears flowing as her lip pouted out a bit. Tzuyu chuckled a little finding Jihyo cute as the maknae cupped the leader's cheeks while her thumbs wiped her tears.

"I'm scared...but for you, I'll try again.." Jihyo said

Tzuyu almost teared up too but held them back as she slowly leaned in and kissed the tip of Jihyo's nose. Jihyo giggled as she looked up at Tzuyu.

"I promise on my life unnie. I won't ever ever hurt you and I'll protect with my life" Tzuyu said hands still holding the leader's cheeks as she leaned forward so their foreheads were touching

Jihyo smiled softly as she felt comfortable and finally at peace.

Ever since then Tzuyu kept her promise. And boy is she committed to it..

Jihyo woke up feeling the sun shining through the blinds. She stretched sighing out remembering the night her and Tzuyu had... if yk what I mean..

Anyway. Jihyo reached her arm out not feeling her tall girlfriend next to her. She frowned but that expression changed once she saw Tzuyu coming in with breakfast as the tall girl wore an oversized t shirt with very short shorts.

"You woke up unnie?" Tzuyu said as she closed the door with her leg

"Yea heh" Jihyo said giggling

Tzuyu place the plate on the dresser before going to her girlfriend.

"I didn't wanna wake you up. You looked so cute and peaceful" Tzuyu said smiling

Jihyo giggled before sitting up. Tzuyu got up as well and place the foldable table onto Jihyo's lap.

"That looks good" Jihyo said

"What? The food or me?" Tzuyu teased

"You" Jihyo teased back

"Oh really?" Tzuyu said smirking before kissing Jihyo's lips

Jihyo melted into the kiss as it was passionate and soft. Soon Tzuyu pulled with one peck.

"Now eat my love" Tzuyu said

"What about you? Did you eat" Jihyo asked

Tzuyu nodded before getting the remote.

"Yes I did baby" Tzuyu said as she turned on the tv

"Alright. I'm gonna go wash the dishes real quick then I'll come back" Tzuyu said bopping Jihyo's nose

"Ok" Jihyo said giggled

Tzuyu walked out as Jihyo checked her girlfriend out.

"Damn I'm lucky" Jihyo said

Tzuyu chuckled hearing Jihyo before closing the door.

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