Summary: Stefan and Damon Salvatore have been undaggered in the distant future (2263) by Vito Cornelius. A priest who has been tasked with protecting both the Fifth Element and its Guardians. Stefan and Damon have to learn to adapt to living in the future while simultaneously guarding the Fifth Element. TVD/Fifth Element Crossover.
--Neither Salvatore didn't think they would find love.
--Stefan/Leeloo (Leeloo Minai Lekarariba-Lamminai-Tchai Ekbat De Sebat)
--Damon/Fem Korben Dallas
--Klaus turned the Salvatores into Originals in 2012 so he could dagger them. He had made a deal with a priest in 1914 to be a guardian for the Fifth Element but instead, he sent the Salvatores in his place.
--Elena was dumped by both Salvatores early on because they saw how toxic she is.
Face Claims:
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Korben Dallas (Fem)
What If?
FanfictionWhat If? Plot bunnies that continue to hop through my head. The stories with the most attention will be written first.