Summary: During the clean-up after the Battle of Hogwarts, six students vanish while dueling rogue Death Eaters inside the Room of Hidden Things. A deflected spell hits a strange object, opening a wormhole on the other side of the universe. How will The Golden Trio, Malfoy, Nott and Zabini survive? Where are they? How will they get home?
The golden and silver trio were swept into a strange vortex inside the room of requirement, landing harshly on a cold, steel-like surface. The Golden trio regained their equilibrium and stood up. They scanned the area where they landed, and it appears to be some sort of auto shop filled with parts they couldn't identify. The six of them drew their wands when others enter the mech bay.
Security question Hermione asks her uncle with her wand aimed at him: "I did something that freaked you out when I was eight, what was it?"
John: "Um...Um?"
Hermione: "Answer!"
John: "You levitated a book from the top of a bookshelf that your mom, my sister took from you. And you weren't eight, you were three."
Aeran: "A security question?" She was standing behind John and next to D'argo.
A/N: John Crichton is Hermione's uncle. Fem/Harry, Dramione/friendship. The RoR fire never happened, the Diadem was destroyed by a Basilisk fang.
What If?
FanfictionWhat If? Plot bunnies that continue to hop through my head. The stories with the most attention will be written first.