Part Twenty: (Val): Get Used To It/Improve 2nd Place/Plans

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Valeriy's Pov:
The next day later, I wake up, in Vas's bed.
I have moved in.
I looked around, slightly confused.
Then I stare Vas, who was sleeping, her arms tucked into her pillow.
I smile, and then smirk.
Time to annoy her.
I tap on her shoulder a few times, giggling.
Just then, I hear her groan, turning over.
Vasilisa: UGHHHH... Сука!! Val!! Why are you doing that... I'm trying to sleep...
I giggle.
Valeriy: Because it's fun to annoy you. Hehehehe.
Vasilisa: UGHHHHH...
She groans, and gets up slowly, blinking, staring at me.
I laugh.
Valeriy: Good morning sleepyhead...
Vasilisa: I'm so tiredddd... Vallll!!
Valeriy: You can thank me later. We have to go to practice!!
Vasilisa: Nooooo...
I laughed, giving her a kiss on her cheek.
She smiles, blushing and kissing me on the lips.
I smile, blushing, and kiss back.
She giggles.
Vasilisa: I love you, but you don't have to annoy me all the time...
Valeriy: And why not?? It's cute when you're annoyed.
Vas sighs.
Vasilisa: Cute?
I nod, sighing.
Valeriy: Mhm. I just love that bad bitch face you make when you're mad. I don't like when you're mad, it's just kinda funny watching you get mad at me. Well... Not in a way that would make you break up with me, of course... That's not funny...
Vas giggles.
Vasilisa: Of course it isn't. Having a breakup is the worst thing to ever happen to you. That's not a surprise. But if you DO give me a good reason to...
Valeriy: NO! Please no... I love you...
Vasilisa: Oh, Val... I'm just kidding... Sort of. You gullible сука.
I laugh, and then frown.
Valeriy: I am NOT!! Grrr...  How dare you!!
She giggles.
Vasilisa: You make me horny. Kiss me...
I smirk, and I do what she asks for.
I kiss her on the lips, and she moans, kissing back.
I pin her to her bed, making her moan even harder.
I smirk.
Valeriy: You're beautiful...
Vasilisa: Mmmm... You're handsome... Mmmmm...
I smirked.
Valeriy: The beauty in you is delicious...
Vas giggles.
Vasilisa: Hehehe... Now this is what I'm talking about... I don't know how I temporarily lost feelings for you like that... You're everything a girl could ever want...
I smile.
Valeriy: Awww... You're my precious baby... Muah.
I kissed her cheek, and she giggles, laughing.
Vasilisa: I told you to stop calling me baby, babe!! Hahaha.
I laughed.
Valeriy: But you are my baby. And, we have one together... And he's sleeping... Aww...
I glance over at Viktor, who's in his crib, cuddling with his teddy bear, smiling and snoring.
Vasilisa: Awww... He's so adorable... Should we wake him up??
Valeriy: I mean, he's going to have to anyways, since we've got to go to practice soon...

Vasilisa's Pov:
I nod, and I gently nudge Viktor a few times.
He yawns, waking up, smiling at me.
I smile.
Vasilisa: Hey, baby... It's time to wake up...
Viktor makes cute, happy baby noises.
Viktor: Hehehe... Мама!!
My heart melts.
Vasilisa: Awww... He said his first word...

Viktor's Pov:
I giggle.
My mom lifts me up into her arms, hugging me.
I giggle, laughing as I cling onto her.
Vasilisa: Mmm... I'm so proud of you... Mommy loves you... Awww...
I giggle.
She cradled me in her arms, tickling me and making me laugh.
Vasilisa: Aww... Good boy... That's right... Be happy...
Viktor: Hehehehe...
My mom sighs.
Vasilisa: As your father should also be, too.
She says, kissing my dad on the cheek.
He giggles.
Valeriy: I am happier with you, babe...
I giggle at my dad's flirtatious comment, laughing.
He laughs, and gives my mom a kiss on the lips back.
She moans.
Vasilisa: Mmmmmm...
I may find it funny when they're in love, but this time, I have to cringe.
They're doing too much in front of me.
I make slightly annoyed baby noises to get them to stop.
They do right away.
My mom smiles at me.
Vasilisa: That was too much for you, wasn't it?
I nodded.
She sighs.
Vasilisa: Okay...
Just then, my stomach rumbles.
I begin to cry.
My mom instantly starts cradling me again, hugging me tightly.
Vasilisa: Aww... No... What's wrong, baby?? It's okay...
I cling onto her chest, and she sighs, staring at me worriedly.
Vasilisa: Ohh... I get it. You're hungry... Here...
She takes off her shirt, and begins to breastfeed me.
She sighs.
Vasilisa: Babe, do you mind leaving the room?? I don't feel comfortable...
My dad nods, and sighs, leaving, closing the door.

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