Part Twenty Two: Vas Is Dying.../Viktor and Victoria Meet

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Vasilisa's Pov:
When we finally came home 14 and a half hours later, I was instantly carried to my bed, where my mom tucked me in blankets, (which I had instantly shoved off), gave me soup, and once again, some more medicine.
I groaned as I rubbed my stomach, it hurting.
Vasilisa: UGHHHH... It HURTSSSS.... And I don't feel so good...
My mom sighs, feeling my forehead.
Vasilisa's mom: You're having a fever... Youre burning...
I nodded, sighing as I shivered, holding myself.
Fuck being pregnant.
I might as well just die...
Tears began to flow down my eyes, and I had begun to cry.
Vasilisa: I'm not going to make it... I'm going to die...
My mom sighs.
Vasilisa's mom: Oh, no, no, honey... Don't think like that... You'll be okay...
I shook my head, crying as I covered my face.
Val is trying to comfort me, handing me tissues and hugging me and wiping away my tears.
Nothings working...
I feel hopeless.
This is it.
Maybe the doctor was right.
Maybe I CANT skate for these whole nine months...
What was just better was if I had just killed myself now.
Ended it before I had to witness it myself...
The pain...
The suffering...
It would all be over if I just...
Knives sound really good right now...
Val squeezed my hand, sighing.
Valeriy: Please, stop, Vas... You're going to hurt yourself...
Vasilisa: It's better if I just ended it now instead of enduring the pain...
I said quietly, sniffing.
Valeriy: No... Vas... Please... This isn't you... You never give up...
Vasilisa: Maybe the Doctor was right... Maybe I can't handle skating for these nine months... I'm so weak and fragile and... And...
I sobbed, sniffing.
Val sighs.
Valeriy: No you're not. You're strong. You're brave. You can do this. Look at you!! You've got muscles... You're not weak!! Or fragile, either!! You're neither of that!! So please, Vas... Please... I'm already praying you'll feel better...
Vasilisa: Nothing is going to work... Nothing will change... I'm doomed... Not even God will help...
Just then, he kissed me.
Valeriy: I am your god...
I blushed as I stared at him, shocked, crying and kissing back.
I let out a moan.
Vasilisa: Mmmm... Val... That's so romantic of you... I love you so much...
Valeriy: I love you so much too...
I smile.
He kisses me until I feel better, and finally, I feel happy and loved.
Love really is my medicine...
Things go too far, and my mom leaves, closing the door.

Valeriy's Pov:
I smile, blushing as my mother in law leaves, staring at Vas, who's just so pretty.
Valeriy: Well. We're alone now... I can fuck you all I want...
She smiles, blushing as she stares back, nodding.
Just then, we do.
I kiss her everywhere, leaving multiple love bites on her.
She sighs, moaning.
Vasilisa: Ughhh...
I smirk.
She takes off her shirt, and I begin to fuck her tits.
I notice Viktor is gone, and then I realize something: Vas's mom must've taken him outside so he wouldn't have to see.
Just then, I chuckled.
Valeriy: Your mom must've took Viktor with her...
She nods, sighing.
Vasilisa: Smart move. I don't think he should be seeing that...
I nodded, laughing.
I placed my cold hand on her forehead, hoping to make her feel better.
She sighs.
Vasilisa: Ahh... That feels so much better... Thanks...
Valeriy: No problem. Anything for my beautiful Princess...
She giggles.

A few days later...
Vasilisa's Pov:
Another week has gone by, and another doctors appointment as well.
I was not getting any better.
Coach was not happy to hear that I can't skate for another nine months.
Beside me, Val sighs.
Valeriy: This isn't working... Why the hell aren't you feeling any better?? This is bad... Very bad...
I nod, sighing.
Vasilisa: Yeah...
I can imagine myself giving birth, and then the baby comes out, and I have sacrificed my health just for this baby...
She'll be blessed her mother is even alive...
That hee mother even made it...
I start thinking of how when I give birth, I die.
She'll be born, but I'll be dead...
And then she'll be hated the most by Valeriy for killing me...
Just then, the doorbell rang.
We quickly put our clothes back on, and Val gets off me.
Just then, the doctor knocks on the door, and I go to open it.
She sighs.
The Doctor: You look ill... Have you been feeling any better?? I'm here to check on you... And your babie's health, too...
I nod, sighing, and she motions for me to lay down on my bed.
She grabs her stethoscope, and begins hearing my heartbeats.
She tells me to take deep breaths, as she slides her stethoscope downwards to my belly.
She sighs.
The Doctor: Your breathing is heavy... That's normal for pregnant woman... But... This is just too much... You're generally in a really good condition... But I think you need to be hospitalized... We need to monitor you...
Vasilisa: WHAT?!?! NO!!
She sighs.
The Doctor: This is a very dangerous, risky pregnancy, Vasilisa. I want you to live...
Vasilisa's mom: Will she have to stay there the whole time??
She sighs.
The doctor: Possible. It's common that baby girls tend to affect the mother more... But we'll do everything we can.
My mom nods, sighing.
Suddenly, I'm in a hospital bed, where there is a needle attached to my hand and a blood bag connected to it.
I wince.
Vasilisa: Why do I need this??
The nurse: Some woman tend to loose blood when they're pregnant... Which probably also explains why you're so pale.
The nurse has a fan on, the AC is on, I'm given an ice pack, and an oxygen mask.
I frown as I breathe in it.
Vasilisa: This is really not necessary...
The nurses We want you to be okay... Your breathing is labored...
I frowned.
The nurse connected me to a heart rate monitor, which beeped steadily.
My parents were both there now, holding hands, both staring at me worriedly.
I can hear the words of my mom quietly praying.
Viktor is crawling on my bed, frowning, making sad baby noises as he stares at me.
He cuddles into me, hugging me.
I sigh.
Vasilisa: Hey, Viktor...
Viktor: Mommy...
He says, sad.
He places his hand on my growing stomach, hugging me sadly.

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