Part Twenty Four: The Family Splits

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Victoria's Pov:
While my parents and older brother were out, I decided to do something.
But what was I going to do...
Run away??
Sabotage my brother??
I wanted to make a mess, and blame it on him.
But would my parents believe me??
Since he had already left...
What would my parents get mad about??
I decided to go into his room, where I started by tossing all his clothes around.
That would start something...

Vasilisa's Pov:
When we came back, I saw Victoria sitting on the couch, chilling.
She chuckled, seeming sweaty.
I frowned.
Vasilisa: Umm... You look suspicious. What did you do...
Victoria: Umm... Nothing!! But... I just went to Viktor's room and found out that... There is clothes EVERYWHERE.
I cringed.
Vasilisa: Are you sure?? Last time I went in there it was perfectly clean...
Viktor: YEAH!! I never moved anything...
I walked over to Viktor's room, where Val and Viktor followed.
Viktor gasps.
Viktor: BUT I DIDNT!! I swear, mom!! Please...
I frowned, glaring at Victoria.
Vasilisa: Don't try and get your brother in trouble for no reason... I know it was you...

Viktor's Pov:
I sighed of relief.
My sister shook her head, sweating even more and turning red.
Victoria: N-no!! I swear!!
Mom shakes her head.
Vasilisa: No. I'm not taking it. Your brother is a very good boy. Unlike you, Missy. I think YOU should clean that... Since YOU made the mess.
I sighed of relief again.
Victoria groans.
Victoria: UGHHH!!
Valeriy: Don't do that now. You almost killed your mother...
Dad sighs, rolling his eyes.
Valeriy: No. Things were fine when your mother was pregnant with your brother. You must've stressed her out...
Victoria groans.
Dad sighs.
Valeriy: No. If you continue to do this, we have every right to kick you out...
I smirk.
Valeriy: Matter fact, we can kick you out right now if you want...
Mom nods, agreeing.
Vasilisa: You heard him. Do you want us to, or not??

Victoria's Pov:
I frowned as my mother folded her arms, seeming annoyed.
She sighs.
Vasilisa: Victoria, can't you be nice to your brother...
That wasn't enough.
I'm gonna have to murder him tonight.
But, how can I, with my mom always watching him??
I walk to my parents room, where I see my mom hugging my brother, and I frown, sighing.
My dad sees me, and sighs, walking over to me.
Valeriy: I'm... Sorry your mom treats you like this...
Victoria: No, it's clear you guys have favorites... I'm neither of yours, isn't that right??

Valeriy's Pov:
I sighed, frowning as I stared at my daughter, thinking.
Valeriy: No, that's not true... You're my favorite, but don't tell your mother I said that... You act just like me. Stupid, dumb, and depressed. Viktor is a copy of your mom... Smart, and happy... Ugh...
Victoria stares at me, shocked.
Victoria: Seriously?
I nodded, sighing, biting my lip nervously.
Valeriy: Yeah... I just kinda have to act like I agree with her... Or... She'll... Snap... And...
Victoria: Break up with you?? What??
I nodded, sighing.
Valeriy: It's stupid. It's even worse since we have a career together... People rely on our love as entertainment... It's how we make money... And... People would be heartbroken if we broke up... Again...
Victoria: What do you mean "again"?
Valeriy: ... It was my fault I had dated another girl that time... I was the stupid one to make a contract, ending our partnership... It seems that we're going through the same path again... And once again, it'll be my fault...
Victoria: No... Dad...
I sniffed, a tear falling down my eyes.
I walk farther away from me and Vas's room, taking Victoria to our living room, where we both sit on the couch.
She hugs me, sighing.
Valeriy: I don't know what to do... I love her so much... But another reason for our first break up was because she had stopped having feelings for me...
Victoria: ...
Valeriy: You're too young to know this, Victoria... Eventually in life, you'll face this, too... Actually, save yourself before it's too late... Never fall in love with ANYONE. It fucks you over... Sorry for cursing... Oh, you're so little... I'm a horrible father...
I said, sobbing as I covered my face, realizing how terrible of an influence I was being right now.
Victoria stares at me, sad.
She hugs me tighter, and it reminds me of Vas's hugs.
Victoria: Dad, don't be so hard on yourself...
Valeriy: Is this why they don't want people becoming parents at their teen years... Because they know well fuck things over...
Victoria: No, no... Dad...
Valeriy: I'm 26, and I still haven't figured everything out... I'm such a mess...
Victoria: No... You're being a great dad just by telling me your feelings... Some dads don't do that, you know...
Valeriy: True... Like... Maybe my own dad...
Victoria: Ouch...
I nodded, sighing.
Valeriy: He's an example of who not to become...
Victoria: What're you going to do, dad??
Valeriy: Do you want to go with me...
Victoria stares at me, shocked.
Just then, I hear Vas and Viktor walking over, and vas just ignores me.
She doesn't even care about me??

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