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Molly was kicking me while Laura Lee was throwing water at me trying to wake me up, "What do you want." I say looking up at her, as the others are staring at me, again.

"Oh my god again, why am I always the last one to wake up." I say getting up.

"We have been trying to wake you up for the past 15 minutes, you just kept falling back asleep and kicking us." Laura Lee says putting the water down.

"Now get up, we have shit to do." Molly says throwing the clothes she picked for me at my face. "Like what? Going deer hunting?" I ask putting a red shirt on.

"Uh yeah actually now hurry, I know your dad takes you to a shooting range every Sunday." Jackie says while I struggle to put on shorts.

"Well give me a minute, golly gee."  I yell putting my hair in a bun.

"Im done!" I say putting on my shoes, then running outside to brush my teeth.

Once im done getting ready, I walk outside and sit down next to Travis while he plays around with the gun.

He tries to shoot a squirrel making a big ass noise and everyone starts yelling at him, making Ben come out and start yelling at us.

Ben starts talking about how it's a dangerous weapon and how we need to be careful with it.

"What's the point of having a gun, if we aren't going to use it?" I ask playing with the grass, as Travis agrees with me.

"Travis and Michelle have a point, we are running low on food, but the good news is, my dad used to take me deer hunting,

and Michelle has gone to a shooting range since she was 10, the bad news is, that I am down to one fucking leg, and Michelle isn't mature enough to use a gun by herself,

Which means that if we want to eat, one of you is going to learn how to use this thing, so we can have someone to go with her." Ben says looking around.

"I'm mature enough! I can go by myself." I yell getting up, "Really? Because someone told me that you were completely wasted, and hooked up with someone, and you don't remember who." Ben says looking at me and then at Jackie.

I look over at Natalie and all she is doing is looking back and forth at me and the gun.

Maybe it has to do with the dream she had? It's not my business so I just back up against the wall, but once I do that I get a flash back about Natalie, when we were freshman's.

I zone out for like five minutes and then all of the sudden people are doing some type of thing with the shotgun and a coin.

"Wait I'm so confused what are we doing?" I ask and Misty starts explaining it to me while putting a coin on top of the shotgun.

"Okay, so what do I do?" I say looking around, "Just sit there and look pretty." Natalie says making me sit on the floor, "You could've just said sit down".

Jackie is of course turning this into a competition, like always.

The only thing I'm thinking about is how glad I am that I don't have to participate in this, because honestly, I like sitting while watching people fail at making a fucking coin drop.

It's Molly's turn and she really looks focused, "Dont fuck this up Molly!" I yell as she does it perfectly on her first try.

"Okay we have one person who gets to go with Michelle!" Ben yells as Molly skips over to me.

It's Travis's turn and he asks Javi if he wants to do it first.

"Fuck you." Javi says walking away as he chews another piece of gum that I gave him.

Everyone starts trashing on Travis, as he turns around and flips the coin on his first try.

"See and that ladies, is how it's done." Travis says handing the gun to Natalie.

Natalie walks up, and I start seeing Natalies dad again, she looks nervous.

Is she seeing the same shit im seeing, or am I just going fucking crazy.

Natalie grabs the gun, but Travis starts saying some stupid shit, making her nervous and dropping the coin.

She hands the gun to Van, while Travis starts saying sexist shit.

"Thats a shame, now you know what, next time we can just stick to something you're actually good at like, folding laundry, or sucking d-" he says but Natalie cuts him off by taking the gun, "im going again." she says.

"Can she do that?" Jackie says, "Shut the fuck up Jackie!" I yell looking up at Ben, he is allowing it so I dont know why Jackie is bitching about it.

Natalie flips the coin successfully and we all start
cheering for her, holy shit that means that she is going to hunt with me and Molly, and sadly Travis.

Travis walks away, mad because Natalie actually did it, and that his sexist comments didn't make her fuck up.

Me and Misty start emptying out the food cans and start lining them up on a branch so they can shoot at it.

Mari is the first one to do try and hit the cans, but she misses the first one making Travis yell at her.

"Shut up Travis!" Molly yells as we stand behind Natalie.

It's finally Travis's turn and he is doing good until he misses the last one, "So close flex." Natalie says as me and Molly turn towards each other.

"Im still so confused on who flex is" Molly says as I nod my head, "Im guessing it's Travis?" I say as Travis turns around pointing the gun at Molly, Natalie, and I.

"Dont fucking call me that!" Travis says moving the gun around

Travis shoots in the air where me and molly were making us duck down. "What the fuck!" Molly yells as we stand back up.

Travis is now pointing the gun at Natalie, as the rest of them yell at him to put the gun down.

He turns around to start shooting the cans again, "How are they letting him use the gun, he literally just tried to kill us!" Molly yells as we walk towards Natalie.

Travis turns around and hands the gun to Natalie "Dont choke, again." he says walking towards me and Molly.

We slowly start to walk away, we dont want him to kill us again.

Natalie shoots all of the cans and we all start cheering for her, "My turn!" I say taking the gun away from her and waiting for Misty to put the cans back up.

Once Misty is done, I start shooting at the cans, "Okay thats not fair, she goes to a shooting range!" Jackie says as I take the final bullet

"Yeah well, you're just mad because you failed at the coin thing!" I say as Molly grabs the gun from me and starts shooting the cans.

"Yeah Jackie listen to molly!"

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