•Chapter 23•

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"I am so sorry Ludmi but we couldn't help it. It just happened! Please do not be mad at him!" Francesca explains.

"I am not mad at him, I am mad at you! You knew we were dating a good friend would stop! But you aren't even my friend anymore!" Ludmila shouts furiously at Francesca.


"Shut the hell up!" Ludmila bellows cutting Francesca off short. Francesca silenced herself and stared up at Ludmila.

Ludmila had awakened from her seat and was towering over Francesca.

"Don't talk to me" Ludmila snarled at her and Francesca whimpered in fright.

Camilla waltzes in the room her hand firmly on her hip her fiery hair bouncing as she walked. She has a smirk plastered across her face but when she sees her friends in a peculiar position her head tilts in confusion.

"What going on here?" Camilla asks walking closer towards them.

"I'm not her friend anymore. She has been dating Leon behind my back. Who knows what they've done" Ludmila says turning her back towards -a still sitting- Francesca.

"You cheated on him! And Leon and I have never gone further than kissing!" Francesca protests finding confidence somewhere. She immediately regrets it as Ludmila gives her -a look killing- glare.

"Okay I don't see the problem" Camilla speaks, "and are you guys seriously going to be those friends!" Camilla ends in an exasperated tone. Both Francesca and Ludmila turn to look at Camilla, this time they were filled with can nous ion on what 'those friends' were.

"The two friends" Camilla points to the two girls in front of her, "that are always fighting and then there is the one" Camilla points to herself, "that has to fix them up!" She concludes giving her explanation in a slightly slower pace than usual.

Francesca and Ludmila nod their heads and their mouths take the shape of an 'o' shape. They both humph before replying at the same time, "well I hate her!" Referring to each other as 'her'

Ludmila and Francesca strut out the room leaving a bothered Camilla, 'great! Two problems!' She thought to herself.

~~~ (I decided to give a small insight on other people's lives, but the one from the same dorm as our main characters - Natalia!)

Natalia sits down in a bench just outside of the school. She spent most of her time in her own thoughts since her dorm mates were very engrossed in their boy troubles. Yes, all the problems had started because of guys. Natalia decided it was best to stay out of that life. She had no problem with not having that many friends, -pretty much none!- she was quite content with her own thoughts. She was taken out of the thoughts by somebody sitting next to her. She looks up and sees Maxi Ponte.

Natalia nods for him to speak. Maxi scratches the back of his neck and Natalia giggles, it was as if he was nervous.

"I see you haven't been hanging around with people a lot lately..." Maxi starts and trails off thinking his next part.

"Are you saying I'm a weird loner?" Natalia teases and he almost falls off the bench shaking his head furiously. Natalia laughs and tells hm to carry on.

"Well if you really don't want to be with the girls too often you are welcome to be with the guys" Maxi offers shyly. Natalia thinks about it. They shan't be too boring can they. Besides there wasn't anything wrong with guys for her,

"I'll take that offer" Natalia says smiling broadly at her new friend. Maxi returns it with a grin and wakes up. He pulls Natalia to her feet and they begin walking. Maxi was going to take her to the guys, just to properly settle their friendship. Natalia was excited, she never thought that in her time at Royal Academy she would even think twice about being friends with the Princes.

The princes from Maxi's dorm were all together in a circle. Maxi being the shortest had to shout a bit to get their attention. They turn around and Andres being the tallest (kinda making that up! It would be awesome if it were true) looked down a bit, not much but it was fairly noticeable.

"I was thinking that Natalia would become our friend, the girl in the group" Maxi explains to his friends,

"I thought that was Fede!" Diego says causing the group and myself to laugh. Federico pushes his arm a bit, "but anyway, it would be nice to have two! And she would be less girly than him" Diego says and the group and I laugh again.

The rest of the guys I'd in agreement and I grin at all of them. They wouldn't be that bad would they. They seemed like a nice bunch. Leon put his arm around my shoulder.

"So Naty, what is the first part of business we do?" They guys asked me.

"No idea!"


"We need to get a plan to get Camilla out!"

Sorry for this superbly short chapter and the superbly long wait. It was almost like a break for me I will admit. I had Father's Day (in which my sister and I bought our dad a Porsche mug and a scarf) and then just some other nice time off. And this I just really wanted to update and I did. Now I want to go over some things for you guys. When I do in third person P.O.V. '()' are my notes. When I do a character P.O.V. -Leon P.O.V.- then '()' are their notes, and '[]' are my notes. I may go on another break just to get myself back together. Thank you guys for everything. And who should say the last line of the chapter. It's your choice. And you can decide on some of your evil plans *evil laugh* and now you know what to do. I hope you liked my attempt of making better description. I was inspired thanks for reading this hit there was over 100 words.


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