•Chapter 39•

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SECOND LAST CHAPTER PEOPLEEZ!!! I am thrilled with the reactions to Leonesca on the last chapter. I was thinking that you guys would hate me. Anyway enjoy!


Leon P.O.V.

I pull away from Fran breathless. I don't think I've ever kissed anybody so passionately before. I had kissed with her more passion when she started kissing back, I was surprised, but seriously delighted. I press my forehead against Fran's and we stare into each other's eyes. I peck her nose and she giggles.

"So what does this mean?" She asks me and I smile.

"Whatever you want it to," I say and she grins.

"We are back together," She declares and now I grin.

"Wouldn't have it any other way," I say and kiss her lips again quickly.

"Thank goodness!" Somebody shouts and we turn around. Cami stood there with her palms pressed together, and a huge grin on her face. "I thought you two would never get back together!" She sighs as she skips down the stairs to us.

"Cami! You ruined their moment!" Ludmi scolds and Fran and I laugh.

"Ludmi, at least they had their moment. We were there for awhile, Cami could've jumped in sooner," Fede reasons and Ludmi shrugs. Fede kisses Ludmi's hair.

"Stalkers!" I yell and they laugh.

"Maybe we were a little stalkerish, but still, you two are so adorable!" Cami says fangirling.

I put an arm around Fran's waist and pull her close to me. I had to pick her up a bit since she had the crutches. I didn't want to let her go, ever. Fran puts her head on my chest.

"Stop being all lovey!" Cami complains and we laugh again.

"We are just standing close to each other," Fran says and Cami moves a face.

"But close is kinda gross," Cami says sticking out her tongue. Her phone buzzes and she jumps a bit. She checks it and then shouts, "gotta go lovebirds!" She then skips away.

Cami P.O.V.

"But close is kinda gross," I say sticking out my tongue.

Maybe I was a bit jealous. I mean they all stood there all lovey-dovey, having fpund their trims love. But me, I was having trouble with my lovelife. It seemed like, whenever I was with a guy, there was always another girl involved. My phone buzzes and I jump a little bit. I take out my phone and see there was a message. When I open it I see it was from Diego.

Meet in the rose garden x

Aw! He put an x. Wait! What am I saying?! I shake my head slightly and then shout to my loved-up friends.

"Gotta go lovebirds!"

I then skip away. I had to admit, I was kinda excited. The rose garden was pretty, I loved the orange rose. There was this whole section of orange roses.  There was also a chance that this was just a trap. But really, with all I've been through, the worst they could do was kill me, and it wasn't even that bad if they did that. I reach the rose  garden and get another text.

The orange section. Your favourite ;)

He remembered. When we were dating, we once walked over here. I had immediately taken him to the orange rose section, and I had given him the fact that it was my favourite. A smile creeps up into my face at the memory, and the fact he remembered. I skip off to the Orange section. I was in a real skip mood today!

When I reach the Orange section I see some orange petals set up as an arrow. I follow it and I see last a corner more orange petal arrows. What is Diego up to? I ask myself bit follow the arrows nonetheless. I eventually get to a corner and then there was this gate. I see a glittery silver envelope and pick it up. I take off the sticker and pull out a white note. I unfold it and it read.

Cami. You made it thus far. You have followed the arrows that I set out. Now, beyond the gate, there is something  else. You can go through if you want. You won't regret it, but if you don't want to. You don't have to. The key is in the envelope.

Diego xoxo

My heart melts at the note. He was so sweet. I put my hand in the envelope and take out an antique-looking key. I walk to the gate and push it through the keyhole. I didn't know what was waiting for me, on the other side. I take a deep breath. I wanted to do this. I wanted to see what was waiting on the other side. Diego, was sweet to me now, I wanted to know what he had planned. I turn the key and hear the soft click. I walk through and then my eyes widen and my jaw drops.

Forgive me Cami give me a second chance I love you

Was written in different colored rose petals. My heart stops and I see Diego standing with a bouquet of red, orange and yellow roses. He walks up to me.

"Forgive me?" He asks and I nod.

I grab his face and kiss his lips, with everything I had.


Fran P.O.V.

"Leon, I have an appointment later," I say to Leon.

We sat on his bed in his empty dorm. He was drawing circles on the back of my hand, I was lamed up against him.

"What appointment?" He asks me softly.

"Baby," I say and he takes a deep breath.

"I want to go," He says and I blink twice.


"I want to go. This baby, will also be my baby, since we are going to grow old together and I'm not letting you go. So I will also help to bring this baby up. I want to go to the appointment," Leon says and I reach up and kiss his lips.


"Hello," I greet the nurse. It was funny how I've been here quite often recently.

"Hello Francesca, how is your foot?" She asks me and I smile.

"It's great!" I say chirpily.

"So from your last appointment, I have some good news," The nurse says. I sit down on one of the beds and Leon takes my crutches as he sits next to me.

"I found out who the father is," The nurse says and I sigh.

"It's Diego," I say but at the same time she says.

"Leon Vargas!" 

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WHAT?????!!!!! Just another drama thing, I've we are ending Royal Academy. We have to do this properly. So if you think I am stupid for saying Leon is the father go back. I stated Leon and Fran did it once. When Fran found out she was pregnant. She  said she thought Diego was the father. There was never a real point that had said Diego was the father. It was just to mess with you minds. Am I amazing? You also probably hate me. So you don't have much on Diego now do you? AND CAMIEGO!!!!!!!! YESSSSS! So the next one is the last chapter. And I have kinda decided it to be like the graduation. So 4 years pass. Vote and comment! Sorry spelling and grammar mistakes!


LEON IS THE FATHER! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Royal Academy | ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz