Chapter 8

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     Yellowfang growled in defiance at the approaching pawsteps, but Firepaw could sense her panic. The she-wolf struggled to her paws. "So long. Thanks for the meal." She tried to limp away on three legs and then winced in pain. "Nuh! This leg stiffened up while I was resting!"

Now it was too late for her to run. Silent shadows slipped out of the trees, and in a heartbeat the

ThunderPack patrol had encircled Firepaw and Yellowfang. Firepaw recognized them: Bearclaw, Darkstripe, Willowpelt, and Spottedstar, all of them lean and hard-muscled. Firepaw smelled Yellowfang's fear at the sight of them.

Ravenpaw followed close behind. He bounded out of the bushes and stood beside the warrior patrol.

Firepaw barked a hasty greeting to his Pack. But only Ravenpaw returned it. "Hi, Firepaw!" he called out.

"Silence!" Bearclaw growled.

Firepaw glanced at Yellowfang and groaned inwardly; he could still smell the fear-scent on her, but instead of cowering in submission, the scruffy creature was glaring in defiance.

"Firepaw?" Spottedstar's question was cool and measured. "What have we here? An enemy warrior—and recently fed, by the smell of you both." Her eyes burned into him, and Firepaw dropped his head.

"She was weak and hungry..." he began.

"And what about you? Was your hunger so bad that you had to feed yourself before you had gathered prey for your Pack?" Spottedstar went on. "I assume that you have a very good reason for breaking the Warrior Code?"

Firepaw was not fooled by the alpha's soft tone. Spottedstar was furious—and rightly so. He crouched lower to the ground.

Before he could speak there was a loud snarl from Bearclaw. "Once a puppypet, always a puppypet!"

Spottedstar ignored Bearclaw and looked instead at Yellowfang. Suddenly she looked surprised. "Well, well, Firepaw! It seems you have captured us a ShadowPack wolf. And one I know well. You are ShadowPack's healer, aren't you?" she asked Yellowfang. "What are you doing so far into ThunderPack territory?"

"I was the ShadowPack healer. Now I choose to travel alone," growled Yellowfang.

Firepaw listened, astonished. Had he heard right? Yellowfang was a ShadowPack warrior? Her filthy condition must have masked her territorial scent. He might have enjoyed tackling her more if he'd known.

"Yellowfang!" Bearclaw barked mockingly. "It looks like you have fallen on hard times if you can be beaten by an apprentice!"

Now Darkstripe spoke. "This old wolf is no use to us. Let's kill her now. As for this puppypet, he has broken the warrior code by feeding an enemy warrior. He should be punished."

"Keep your fur down, Darkstripe," Spottedstar said calmly. "All the Packs speak of Yellowfang's bravery and wisdom. It may help us to hear what she has to say. Come; we'll take her back to camp. Then we'll decide what to do with her—and with Firepaw. Can you walk?" she asked Yellowfang. "Or do you need help?"

"I've still got three good legs," the grizzled she-wolf snapped back, limping forward. Firepaw saw that Yellowfang's eyes were glazed with pain, but she seemed determined not to show any

weakness. He noticed a look of respect flicker across Spottedstar's face before the ThunderPack alpha turned and slowly led the way through the trees. The other warriors took up positions on either side of Yellowfang, and the patrol moved off, carefully keeping pace with their prisoner.

Firepaw and Ravenpaw fell in step together at the back of the group.

"Have you heard of Yellowfang?" Firepaw whispered to Ravenpaw.

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