Allegiances and Reference Images

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Alpha: Spottedstar, small dappled she-wolf, battle-scarred

Beta: Longtail, pale yellow he-wolf with black stripes and unusually long tail, mentor to Sandpaw

Healer: Bluefur, blue-gray she-wolf tinged with silver around her muzzle

Warriors (wolves not caring for pups):

Mooseheart, magnificent golden he-wolf with tufted ears like a moose's antlers, mentor to Ravenpaw (Lionheart)

Bearclaw, big dark brown he-wolf with unusually long front claws, mentor to Graypaw (Tigerclaw)

Whitestorm, big white he-wolf with yellow eyes, mentor to Dustpaw

Darkstripe, sleek black-and-gray he-wolf

Redtail, small dappled he-wolf with a bright red tail, mentor to Sandpaw

Runningwind, swift brown he-wolf

Willowpelt, pale gray she-wolf with blue eyes

Mousefur, small dusky brown she-wolf

Apprentices (more than six moons old, in training to become warriors):

Dustpaw, dark brown he-wolf

Graypaw, long-haired gray he-wolf with a dark gray stripe running down his back

Sandpaw, pale yellow she-wolf

Ravenpaw, small skinny black he-wolf with a tiny white dash on his chest and a white-tipped tail

Queens (wolves expecting or nursing pups):

Frostfur, white-furred she-wolf with striking blue eyes (mother of Cinderpup, Brightpup, Brackenpup, and Thornpup)

Brindleface, light orange she-wolf

Goldenflower, light yellow she-wolf (mother of Lynxpup and Swiftpup)

Speckletail, pale brown she-wolf (mother of Mistlepup and Snowpup)

Pups (wolves under six moons of age):

Cinderpup, fluffy gray she-wolf

Brightpup, patchy orange-and-white she-wolf

Brackenpup, golden-brown he-wolf

Thornpup, light brown he-wolf

Mistlepup, dark gray she-wolf

Snowpup, white he-wolf with blue eyes, deaf

Lynxpup, ginger-and-black she-wolf

Swiftpup, black-and-white he-wolf

Elders (former warriors, now retired):

Halftail, big dark brown he-wolf with half of his tail missing

Smallear, small gray he-wolf with even smaller ears

Patchpelt, patchy black-and-white he-wolf, youngest elder

One-eye, pale gray she-wolf with missing eye, nearly blind and deaf, oldest wolf in ThunderPack

Dappletail, tortoiseshell she-wolf

Rosetail, light ginger she-wolf with a pinkish-orange tail


Alpha: Brokenstar, long-haired dark brown he-wolf

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