Chapter 2

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     "Well?" growled Spottedstar, her muzzle almost touching Rusty's. Mooseheart remained by her side, staring coldly down at the young dog.

Rusty crouched down to the ground. "I am no threat to your Pack," he whimpered, staring at his shaking paws.

"You threaten my Pack when you disregard my borders and chase off all the prey with your stomping about," Spottedstar howled. "You're given food by your Twolegs every day, more than enough to keep you alive, I'm sure. You come here to hunt for fun. But my Pack and I hunt to survive."

The truth of the alpha's words clicked in Rusty's brain, and he suddenly understood her anger. He sat up straight again. "I didn't think of it like that before. I'm sorry. I won't hunt here again," he barked solemnly.

Spottedstar stepped back, and signaled with her ears for Mooseheart to do the same. "You are an unusual puppypet, Rusty." She glanced at Mooseheart, and the look they shared made Rusty curious.

"Is survival out here really so hard?" Rusty asked.

"It can be," Spottedstar replied. "During leaf-bare, when prey runs scarce and the air is cold, finding enough food to feed many mouths can be difficult. Especially when we compete with other Packs."

"Is your Pack big?" Rusty yipped, eyes wide.

"Big enough," Spottedstar replied reservedly. "Our territory supports us, but there is no prey left over."

"So you're all warriors, then?" Rusty asked.

"Some of us. Others are too young or too old or too busy caring for pups to hunt and fight."

"And you all live together and share prey?" Rusty murmured in awe, speaking more to himself than the warriors. He thought guiltily of his own easy life.

Spottedstar shared another amused glance with Mooseheart. Looking back at Rusty, she posed a question.

"Maybe you should discover these things for yourself. Would you like to join ThunderPack?"

Rusty was so shocked that he couldn't respond.

Spottedstar continued: "If you choose to join us, you can train with Ravenpaw to become a warrior."

Before Rusty could be carried away in dreams of grandeur, Mooseheart spoke. "Spottedstar is only offering training, pup. There is no guarantee you'll be able to become a full warrior. You may not be suited for such a harsh life."

Stung, Rusty barked a retort. "Then why offer me the chance?"

Spottedstar was the one to answer. "You are smart to question our motives, little one. We ask this because ThunderPack needs more warriors."

"Know that Spottedstar does not make this offer lightly," Mooseheart cut in. "If you want to train with us, we'll have to take you into our Pack. You will live with us and respect our ways, or you will return to your Twolegplace and never come back. You cannot live with a paw in both worlds."

A cold breeze blew from behind Rusty, rustling the bushes and stirring his fur. He shivered with the thought of what might lie ahead if he chose to join these wolves.

"Are you wondering if it's worth it to give up your easy food and warmth?" Spottedstar gently asked. "The Pack may not always be able to offer you either all the time. During leaf-bare, nights can be cruel. The Pack will demand hard work and great loyalty. There are many mouths to feed. You may have to give your life to defend the Pack. But, the rewards are great. You will be trained in the way of the wild. You will learn what it is to truly be a canine. The strength and support of the Pack will be with you everywhere you go, even if you are alone."

Rusty's head buzzed. Spottedstar was offering him the life he had dreamed of so many times. Could he really live like that?

Mooseheart interrupted Rusty's thoughts. "Come, Spottedstar, let us not spend any more time here. We told the other patrol we'd meet them at moonhigh. Bearclaw will wonder what's become of us." He stood up, and flicked his tail dismissively.

"Wait," Rusty barked. "Can I think about your offer?"

Spottedstar narrowed her eyes at him and nodded. "Mooseheart will be here tomorrow at sunhigh. Give him your answer then."

At that, she turned and stepped back into the bushes she came from, and Mooseheart followed. Ravenpaw did too, but not without flicking his ear in farewell. The three wolves disappeared into the night.

Rusty shook his head. He looked up at the canopy of leaves created by the trees that surrounded him, and at the stars that peeked through above. His mind whirled with excitement. The scent of the Pack wolves still hung heavy in the clearing. As Rusty turned to go home, he felt a strange feeling inside of him, tugging him back into the forest. His fur prickled in the refreshing breeze, and the rustling branches overhead almost whispered his name.

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