Chapter 19

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     Ravenpaw and Graypaw were still patching the hole when Firepaw reached them. They had left a gap just wide enough for him to squeeze back through.

"No luck with the garlic," Firepaw panted as he slipped in. "Darkstripe's prowling around out there."

"Never mind," yipped Ravenpaw. "We can get some tomorrow."

"I'll go and get you some poppy seeds from Bluefur," Firepaw offered. He was worried by the dull look in his friend's eyes, and the way his muscles seemed stiff with pain.

"No, don't worry," said Ravenpaw. "I'll be fine."

"It's no trouble," Firepaw insisted, and before Ravenpaw could argue, he bounded off toward

Bluefur's den. She was pacing her small clearing, her eyes clouded with unhappiness.

"Are you okay?" Firepaw asked.

"The spirits of StarPack are restless. I think they are trying to tell me something," she replied, flicking her tail uneasily. "What can I do for you?"

"I think Ravenpaw could do with some poppy seeds for his leg," Firepaw explained. "His rat bites are still hurting him."

"The pain of losing Mooseheart will make his injuries feel worse. But he'll mend in time; don't worry. In the meantime, you're right, poppy seeds will help." Bluefur went into her den and brought out a dried poppy head. She placed it carefully on the ground. "Just shake out one or two and give them to him," she barked.

"Thanks," Firepaw yipped. He picked up the poppy head between his teeth and began to walk away.

"Wait," Bluefur barked suddenly.

Firepaw spun around expectantly and met her ice blue gaze. Her eyes burned back at him.

"Firepaw. StarPack spoke to me moons ago, before you joined the Pack. I sense they want

me to tell you this now. They said only fire can save our Pack."

Firepaw stared at Bluefur, mystified. The strange passion faded from her eyes. "Take care, Firepaw," she barked in her normal voice, and turned away.

"See you," Firepaw replied uncertainly. He padded back through the fern tunnel. Her strange words were echoing in his mind, but he could not make sense of them. Why had she shared them with him? Surely fire was an enemy to all who lived in the forest. He shook his head in frustration, and bounded over to the apprentices' den.


"Ravenpaw!" Firepaw called into the ear of his sleeping friend. They'd been allowed to rest all morning, after working on repairs for most of the night. Bearclaw had ordered them to be ready to begin training at sunhigh. The strong yellow light filtering through to the den told Firepaw it was already near that now.

He'd had a restless night. Dreams swirled through his mind each time he fell asleep, confusing and indistinct, but full of darkness and menace.

"Graypaw!" Firepaw said again. But his friend did not stir. He'd eaten two of the poppy seeds before he'd slept, and now he was in a deep slumber.

"Are you awake, Firepaw?" Graypaw whispered from his nest.

Firepaw cussed silently under his breath. He had wanted to talk to Ravenpaw before Graypaw awoke.

"Yes!" he replied. Graypaw sat up in his bed of moss and heather and began to wash with quick flicks of his tongue. "Are you going to wake him?" he asked, nodding toward Ravenpaw.

A deep voice growled outside their den. "I hope so! Training is about to start." Firepaw and Graypaw jumped.

"Ravenpaw, wake up!" Firepaw poked his friend with one paw. "Bearclaw is waiting!" Graypaw lifted his head. His eyes were still heavy with sleep.

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