Chapter 13

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     Firepaw reached the edge of the ravine and looked down at the camp. He was panting and his paws were slippery with dew. He sniffed the air. He was alone. There was still time to speak to Yellowfang before the others returned from the Gathering. Silently, he jumped down the rocky slope and slipped through the gorse tunnel unnoticed. The camp was still and quiet, apart from the muted snuffles of sleeping wolves. Firepaw quickly crept around the edge of the clearing to Yellowfang's nest. The old healer was curled on top of her mossy bedding.

"Yellowfang," he whispered urgently. "Yellowfang! Wake up; it's important!"

Two orange eyes opened and glinted in the moonlight. "I wasn't sleeping," barked Yellowfang quietly. She sounded calm and alert. "You came straight from the Gathering to me? That must mean you've heard." She blinked slowly and looked away. "Brokenstar kept his promise."

"What promise?" Firepaw felt very confused. Yellowfang seemed to know more than he did about what was going on.

"ShadowPack's noble alpha promised to drive me from every Pack territory," Yellowfang replied dryly. "What did he say about me?"

"He warned us that our pups were in danger as long as a former ShadowPack warrior was on the loose. He didn't say your name, but ThunderPack guessed who he was talking about. You must leave before the others get back. You are in danger!"

"You mean they believed Brokenstar?" Yellowfang flattened her ears and swished her tail angrily.

"Yes!" Firepaw barked urgently. "Darkstripe says you're dangerous. The other wolves are scared of what you might do. Bearclaw is planning to come back and...I don't know.... I think you should go before they get here!"

In the distance Firepaw could hear the howls of angry wolves. Yellowfang struggled stiffly to her paws. Firepaw gave her a nudge to help her up, his mind still spinning with questions. "What did Brokenstar mean when he warned us to keep a close eye on our pups?" he couldn't stop himself from asking. "Would you really do something like that?"

"Would I what?"

"Would you harm our pups?"

Yellowfang flared her nostrils and looked steadily at him. "Do you think so?"

Firepaw met her gaze without flinching. "No. I don't believe you would ever harm a pup. But why would Brokenstar say such a thing?"

The noise of the wolves was coming nearer, and with it, the scents of aggression and anger. Yellowfang looked wildly from side to side.

"Go!" Firepaw urged. Her safety was more important than his curiosity.

But Yellowfang remained where she was and stared at him. A calm look suddenly came into her wide eyes. "Firepaw, you believe I'm innocent, and I'm grateful for that. If you believe me, then others might. And I know Spottedstar will give me a fair hearing. I can't run forever. I'm too old. I shall stay here and face whatever your Pack decides for me." She sighed and sank down onto her bony haunches.

"But what about Bearclaw? What if he—"

"He is headstrong, and he knows the power he has over the other Pack wolves—they are in awe of him. But even he will obey Spottedstar."

Rustling in the undergrowth beyond the camp boundary told Firepaw that the wolves were almost at the entrance.

"Go away, Firepaw," growled Yellowfang, baring her stained teeth at him. "Don't make trouble for yourself by being seen with me now. There is nothing you can do for me. Have faith in your alpha, and let her decide what happens to me."

Firepaw realized Yellowfang had made up her mind. He touched his nose to her patchy fur, then crept silently away into the shadows to watch. Through the gorse came the wolves—Spottedstar first, accompanied by Mooseheart. Frostfur and Willowpelt were right behind them. Frostfur raced away from the group immediately and ran toward the nursery, the fur on her tail bristling in alarm. Bearclaw and Darkstripe strode into the clearing, shoulder to shoulder, looking grim. The others followed behind, with Ravenpaw and Graypaw at the rear. As soon as he saw his friends,

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