28: Stop it, get some sleep

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[Third person pov]

“I scream you scream, give me that, give me that ice cream.”

Everyone laughed at Changbin and his ridiculous dance, although it was rather sexy, like a sexy lady, oh my sexy lady– I think I need sleep and help and jail. The black haired basically had to do that before he could receive his fair share of the ice cream they were having and since these lovely bunch of seven males and a little lady decided that they didn't want peace, they made him do that, right after making Felix act like a chicken for five minutes before he could have sprinkles– we live in a wicked world.

“That was bananas,” the soon to be bald Australian laughed, pointing a cup at Changbin. “Get it? Like banana ice cream?” he wiggled his brows at the audience, hoping that they'd catch his pun cause he was giving Changbin a banana ice cream.

Poor old kangaroo, rather than a roaring audience he only got a cricket chirping in the background, even though it was noon, but when does this book ever care about logic?

He made them Chrisappointed, Seungprised and Hyunfused. *dabs in sleeplessness*

“Grandpa, its a little pass your bed time,” Jeongin sighed, offering his sit to Chan who wanted to dig a grave right now, it was his new found hobby, dig a grave and leave it for random, helpless innocent people to fall in. Ah, such nice deed.

“I am not a grandpa!” he seethed.

“Ancestor then?”

Yin basked in the glory of flaming Skz's grandpa, high fiving her roaring audience, yes, she was leaning to the bad ride, you can't blame the poor girl, they had cookies.

“Cruel people everywhere,” Changbin sighed, the ex watermelon slice, now super muscular babygirl had have a fair share of being the main bully target and was lucky for his break.

Speaking of, Stray kids and this short person over here were all passing by bullying each other, while the crew was getting ready for the next game. Its was a bright sunny day and Yin couldn't have asked for a better distraction.

In as much as it was an overwhelming experience, it also had it down sides, one she hadn't disclosed to anyone yet, just silently hurting. Daesung was a big help too, and she couldn't have asked for a better idiot.

“On a scale of one to ten what is your favourite color? Mine is circle,” I see Jisung woke up and chose to murder braincells, okay, let broski do you, oh shit, wrong quote, it goes, you do you– nailed it. There is no way the author could quote this without sounding sus. *cackles in suspiciousness*

“Mine is 27,” Okay, you do you, too, Hyunjin.

“Mine is Jupiter,” Hold up, rewind, stop, drop, and roll, *Sexy men dancing in the background* I got distracted again, so where was I? Ehem. Minho, where did your remaining braincells go?

“He traded them for a new cat,” Seungmin replied to the author's question. “Also, Jisung, kindly yeet yourself out of existence.”

“So rudeu, yellow cardeu, yellow cardeu,” the referee aka Yin, aka potato lady aka, okay I ran out of akas, give me some– slammed the table.

“Lemonade winkeu!” Chan please, stop it, get some sleep and a hairline while you're at it.

Changbin kindly shut up, looking away from the insane person writing this book, afraid that if he spoke up he might be next.

Whereas Jeongin yelled. “I can speak Korean.”

And that's when everyone gave up, they had lost the braincells they borrowed and could no longer comprehend why a hyena would be twerking on Saturn.

“Hey Yinnie, you look scared earlier, what's up?” okay Felix, I see you've became the next gossip aunty, congrats!

Please do not vote anymore!

☁ Yin's response should be? ☁

↪ Panic and punch the person next to her?

↪ Deny all allegations and hire Chan as her lawyer?

↪ Play cool girl and accidentally steal Hyunjin's ice cream?

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This chapter makes me curious; Am I sane? Are we sane? If a blind rat is called bat, can we call a flying cat, fat?

Oh, I said something about a serious-ish plot right? Haha!

Anyways hi, how are you?
Pls vote and comment

I took a shitload of mediations
And I'm still very much sick *dabs in what the hell*

Forgive my new dabiousness

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