29: Sensei Yin and the poor unfortunate souls

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Winner; Panic and punch the person next to her!

[Third person pov]


The three unsuspecting males got brutally attacked by sensei Yin's rage. The clueless squirrel was punched on the arm, he creased his brows in a confused frown, rubbing the spot that ached mildly. The dramatic llama barely got hit but still ran around the room, crying. While the helpless puppy was dojo flipped into next week. Leaving the teams very vague, cause the option that won the highest vote was to panic and punch the person next to her, but the brunette proceeded to attack them with her karate skills.

“Dude- he only ask a question,” Changbin had a reprimanding tone, he along with the chortling Chan were lifting Seungmin off the ground.

“Why didn't you attack Felix too?” the brunette grumbled, staggering backwards, his cheeks dusted crimson.

“He was farther away,” Yin shrugged, bowing lightly.

“So I suffered the consequence of Felix asking a question? How coul-”

“Hyunjin, please, do not be dramatic,” Minho sighed, totally not ready for the taller's long rant.

Hyunjin pouted, his shoulders dropping drastically. “I'm not!”

“You cried about snakes last night,” Jeongin tittered, Jisung and Felix joining in.

“They don't have arms, its so sad, cause they have. . .have to move around with their-”

“Okay Jinnie, its okay,” Chan patted the now sobbing blue haired's back, enveloping him in a hug, glaring at the others who where about to laugh.

Minho turned to Yin who thought she had escaped the sudden pry, he crossed his arms, standing in front of the now busted brunette. “What are you hiding?”

Dae's trumpet. Its so loud.”

“She's playing dumb,” Felix pointed out.

“What is 'shes'? Can you eat it?”

The dirty mind of the group looked away whistling, and if you caught on to what I'm referring to, here, have some holy water 💦 and if you thought of it the other way, here, have some popo 🚔 and if you know who the dirty mind is, here, have a medal 🎖

“Let's not prod her any farther, I believe she'll talk when she's ready, am I right?” Jisung wanted to be sensible, and he even surprised himself. The brown haired paused, calculating what went wrong.

And while brosef, was busy tracking, Minho and Seungmin were hiding the weapons they wanted to use for some friendly talking with Yin, all friendly. Yeah, totally not gonna force the truth. Hehe, where did you get that idea from?

“Thank you, Jisung,” Yin bowed again, a bright beam on her face. “You're now my prince in shiny armour!”

“Obviously not,  and you haven't apologized for flipping me,” Seungmin huffed, looking away from the shorter. “You have to apologize hundred times.”

“That's outrageous!” Changbin threw his hands in the air and this only upset the younger.

“You were not the one got brutally attacked. Now Yin, apologize.”

“To me.”

“And me too!”

OnE hUnDrEd SoRrY lAtEr.

The shorter was practically panting at this point, she straightened her posture when the the game was about to start, running to catch up with her team.

🔓 Escape room unlocked 🔓

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A sane chapter cause why the hell not?

Also I'm so ill that when I talk I sound like a frog

Brah and when I sing? Instant Donald duck activated. Quack, Quack, Quackery quack quack.

Lmao, its funny as hecc

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Lmao, its funny as hecc

Anyways hi, how are you?
Pls vote and comment

For those of you feeling down, get better soon! And those feeling happy
May it be eternal


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