46: Chaos is Chaos-ing

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[Third person pov]

Yin wasn't Yin-ing today.

Rather she was Chan-ing, mulling around the corner like an old bald man– I'm sorry Chris. And who better to notice this than stray kids' number one comforter? If you thought sunshine boi or hairless kangaroo, you thought wrong, wronger than Jyp's make up– again, I'm sorry. It was Minho, the cat Butler. You may be wondering? What? Well, to put that simply; I was being ✨sarcastic✨

'The betrayal' you thought, gasping lowly. You glared at the author for turning this into a y/n story. Flipping your luscious hair *Chan cries in the background* you exited the story.

Please, wait, don't go.

Ehem,” Minho was getting impatient that the writer had diverted the spotlight from his glorious self. He grinned coyly at the compliment, and then fluttered his eyelids like goofy and went 'oh shocks'

But he thought better than to fall for my tricks and instead paid attention to the shorter. Being the caring gentleman he is, he tipped off his hat. M'lady, you look like you're about to die.

Yes, I actually did, you're talking to my ghost,” trying to hide how glum she was, Yin jested. Well, she might be depressed but at least she was well dressed. “Boo, a ghost!

Minho stood there, disappointed like  that cricket fan. If you caught the meme reference, yeet onto you my good brethren. “What makes you think I'm scared of ghosts?

Yin stopped, bowing as an apology. “I thought you were Lee Yongbok.

And if you listen closely, you'll hear Felix's voice yelling 'we're two different people!'

You did not just call me a guy who thinks yoghurt is a fruit,” Minho face palmed in bottle water. He was beyond flabbergasted, he was flounderwatered. "Now spill the tea," he paused upon realizing his words. “Oh God, what have I become?”

You can't blame yourself, Minho. Tea be really addictive. *winks in Han Jisung's accent*

“I'm just. . .” Yin trailed off, randomly kicking the air. Poor air, dude was just trying to feed its family.

But was Minho patient enough? “Get to the interesting part, woman,” to answer that question nobody asked, he wasn't.

“What part?” The third member of their team just wanted to know what could be going on. He stood atop the stairs, gazing at Minho and Yin, who were sat a couple steps below. “And why are you two still here? We're about to start!”

“Yay!” Yin decided to play oblivious, quickly jolting up to avoid more questioning from Minho. C'mon let's go, Minho, you slow bunny!”

The brunette ran ahead of both her teammates, leaving Seungmin perplexed and Minho scrawling for the lost of tea.

“Hello everyone my name is Han Peter Jisung, I am here to teach you how to survive in the wild!”

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