32: Where's Minnie?

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[Third person pov]

"I have todayed enough for today!"

Yin huffed, falling face first into the heavenly soft mattress and was in no mood to do anything humanly. She wanted to wallow in the silence the lonely room held.

The brown haired female was isolated from her old living area and was staying in a hotel room during this tournament, it was a procedure to keep nosy people away from poking their ass where it doesn't concern them. There were some who might stick around just to follow and find out where each game would be hosted, another reason the introvert was more alarmed, she was confined in a secluded place away from the little people she knew. She wasn't complaining though.

Yin had just gotten back from another Chaotic day with stray kids plus Chan cause he old, more like stray old man, haha- I'm sorry Channie, find it in your big heart to forgive me. But, you know what else is big?

Yin casually looked down, scrolling through the comment section she had vowed never to visit again, it was of the video when she was selected, while some comment were wholesome, filled with well wishes and then the funny over reactors, there were ones that were down right outrageous and should not be directed towards another human being, much more an introverted potato. How rude! *sips tea with pink poking out*

Her scrolling was interjected by Daesung calling, his usual daily chipmunk checking up on. (Confused about the chipmunk? its a reference from Chaos.)

With a bright beam on her face, she quickly slides to accept, not bothering to fix herself or anything. "What's up Dae?"

"Wow, you're actually happy to see me?" The orange haired got too close to the phone, kissing the screen, making the shorter to cringe hard, instantly regretting smiling in front of him, a feigned scrawl on her face. "When will you accept my nonexistent love for you?"

Yin groaned, picked up her phone from the headrest and flipping over, now lying on her back, an eye roll followed suit, as she held the phone farther away from her face. "Probably never!"

"I'll take that as a yes," Daesung grinned. He paused, wiggling his brows. "As your bestest friend, don't I have some exclusive, expensive tea of the day?"

"No!" Yin stated with a blank look on her face.

"Goddammit, you're infuriating!" the orange haired seethed, proceeding to rant again, about her short ass bullying him.

Yin winced when a notification dropped in.

Four pings from; Just execute us, its better than this. Click to see more.

She sighed, wondering what might've happened, it's probably something whacky. The brunette continued talking to Daesung, making a mental note to check that out later.

'Just execute us, its better than this'

What if you hit your alarm
And it hits you back?

That would be alarming

Get out!

Get tf online young lady
You've got explaining to do

Are we gonna ignore the fact
that Felix keeps pinging Yin?

I'm kinda concerned too

About Yin not being online

Hmmm Suspicious 🤔

Hmmm no hairline 🤔

Hiiiiiiiii Channie
Minho oppa
Binnie Binnie Changbinnie



-_- what's that supposed to mean?
Where's Minnie?


Siri play 'What's that supposed to mean' by Seungmin.

Where's Yongbok? ✖

Where's Minnie? ✔

I like how we razz each other
without remorse

Okay, Eiffel tower

I laughed 😂

At least I have hair

Yo, what the fuck!
Chan, me personally, I wouldn't take that

But that's just me though

Are you trying to start a fight?

Should I get the popcorn?

Wait, hold up!
No, no distractions

Yin why did you skip Minnie?

That's what I'd like
to know (._.)

Tell this Minnie guy, whoever
he is

That I do not want to
talk to him

You go sister

Ouch, the tea be burning hot

Also Yin you ignored Lixie's pings

Yin is typing. . .


☁Yin's response should be?☁

↪ Ghost chat

↪Change topic

↪ Reply like an actual human would

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Please, the voting rules, my Good plastic chairs!!

I love writing angst
But restrain from doing it cause I'm trying to create a positive atmosphere 😭

I'm thinking of writing an all angst book, though 🤔

Anyways hi, how are you?
Pls vote and comment


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