60: Naruto and the ostrich

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[Third person pov]

“Who do you think would win in a fight, me or an ostrich?”

After the board meeting held by the prestigious Wattpad community of fanfiction writer and the readers, in cooperation with the exclusive JYP Ent crew, everyone decided that a sleepover should be the last event done by hobo ankle-biters and that annoying wrong number. It was a fine idea, the only problem was one person was against it. He heard the word ‘Sleep’ and instantly took it as a red flag. If you know who was against it, comment ‘Hairline’

“I bet Hyunjin's left arm that Jisung would win,” Yin matter-of-factly pulled the ferret's arm, causing his chips to spill.

“Um actually...” Jeongin adjust his glasses like them typical nerds in movie (I love nerds 😭) “... ostriches can deliver dangerous kicks when threatened.”

“And we all know Han has anime legs,” Seungmin concluded, and like he flipped a switch, the entire group burst out laughing, wheezing, smacking butts (behave minho-)

Well, all except Hyunjin who kept staring at his chips, laid mercilessly on the brutally cold floor. A look of despair clouded his face, three mice playing sad violin songs in the background. Symphony by clean bandits ft Zara to be precise. “My chips,” Hyunjin murmured. “You shall be avenged!”

“Let it go child, it's just chips,” bald Kangaroo dad patted his back, sympathetic.

“Just chips? Just Chips?” oh Lord, here comes another exaggerated drama. “Do you know how much trouble I went through just to get it?”

“The kitchen is that way?” Changbin, remember, there's no logic.

“Yes, but I went through the valley of shadows of death, crossed the lava lake, climbed mount Minho-rest,” bro wasn't kidding, he stepped on Minho. How is he still alive? “I can't take this heartbreak,”

He pretended to faint. Felix who was meant to catch him, was busy daydreaming what it would be like if ostriches had arms, and would attack humans with lightsabers. And Hyunjin literally fell all the way and landed on Minho.

Welp, it was nice knowing him.


Quick commercial break

And we're back

-MR AND MRS HWANG!” What were you expecting 👀?

“Great, now that Minho is dead, can we begin?” Seungmin you heartless shoe rack.

“That is so mean,” At least Yin had a heart.

“I'm sorry,” Seungmin sighed. “Minho Hyung please don't die, we shall miss you so dearly.”

“What sorcery is this?” Chan, Jeongin and the curtain behind them gasped like some old wizards, with huge white beards.

“Seungmin?” Jisung, the camera and Changbin gaped.

“Am I in heaven?” Hyunjin looked at Minho who was strangling him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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