30: Kids in the darkness

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[Third person pov]

"Forgive me for all my sins and guide me towards the path of righteousness."

Changbin sighed, he was barely able to see but he definitely tell who was crutched under the table, chanting those words over and over. Hyunjin wasn't helping that he knew very well. The black haired yelled loudly, jumping aside when he felt a tap on his shoulder, averting his gaze from Hyunjin.

"I can't see in the dark!" Oh my God, Jisung? However did you figure that out? Wow, he deserves a Nobel prize for that world class discovery- insert bombastic side eye.

Changbin heaved out as sigh of relieve, it was only Jisung complaining about something irrelevant, rather than looking for clues. Each team had to find out the four hidden numbers in other to escape the dark room and had to do it against the clock. "Han, that's not important."

"Its not? Do you expect me to see with my butt?"

"Jisung, don't get weird!" Hyunjin sniggered from under the table he was seeking shelter from. Great, he was busy being courage the cowardly dog, Changbin was the scared dweakki and the only person that wasn't afraid decided on being pervy sage.

"Hyunjin come out from there, its totally sAFE!!! OH MY GOD, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT, SOMETHING JUST GRAB MY FOOT AND ITS CHEWING ON IT. NOBODY TOLD ME GHOST HAS TEETH!" the brown haired kept yelling and that was enough for Changbin to sprint towards the door, banging it- don't you dare think of it that way- begging for them to be set free.

Hyunjin- the culprit who bit Jisung leg, thinking it was a pirate ghost- ran out of the table, screaming the alphabets to prove to the ghost that he was a good boy, maybe he might be forgiven.


★ : : : : : : ★

"Okay, so far we have two numbers, a clue and Yongbok crying, any questions?"

“Yes, if a bang requires an object to bang on in order to create a banging effect, what was the object that big bang was banged upon?”

“How should I know?”

“But you're Bang Chan, the banging daddy!”

“He does have a point,” Felix spoke from below, still grabbing Chan's leg and that brought back memories of how he was attached to Minho's once upon a time, if you Lee know, you Lee know.

The redhead face palmed, It was hard moving with the blonde Australian chicken clinging onto him, Jeongin was being crazy and he felt like they were running out of time. “Some small thing just grabbed my ass,” Chan– stray kids' fake maknae yelped.

“Sorry, its like a stress ball,” Felix muttered. His eye widen when he recalled what Chan said. “Small? Humph!”

“What is this? What is this?” Jeongin searched for the said chicken hands in the darkness, grinning evilly when he found it. “Tiny hand!”

“Can we focus on finding the clues?”

“But I can't see anything, last time I touched something it was slimy like lab rat!!!”

I.N that was my hand!” Felix groaned.

★ : : : : : : ★

What? Me? Scared? Pfft!”

“There's a spider on your shoulder,” Seungmin pointed out, a bored look on his face and Even though the room was indeed dark, Yin still flinched, yelling and waving her hands frantically. And that only bewildered both males. Like c'mon, who the hell is scared of spiders?


Minho and Seungmin turned to where Yin's shout emitted from, squinting their eyes to maybe catch sight of what had happened after that crashing sound. “Yin, did you just fall?” Minho queried.

“Nope, you ground looks so lonely, I wanted to give it a hug,” they could hear the grin in her tone. “Yes, I did,” she sighed at their silence.

“Oh my God, are you okay?” Seungmin gasped.

“Yeah, I'm perf-”

“Not you, I'm talking about the ground-” he sniggered under his breath when Yin wailed out of agony.

“That was a violation,” Minho approved Seungmin's quip, tapping the floor in search of Yin. He lifted the female up, patting her hair. “Now let's focus on finding the next clue.”

Seungmin huffed. “How can we? This place is dark as hell.”

“Isn't hell your home? You told me you have a throne there,” Yin enunciated, sticking close to the gentleman who helped her up. (If you caught the Chaos reference, you, me, marriage, right now!)

“Arguing isn't really paramount at this point, am I the only one who wants to get out of here?” the Cat butler pressed out, tired of Yin and Seungmin bickering nonstop. “I haven't bullied Chan for a while, and I wanna see when his last hair fall off.”

“Ha!” The brunette laughed loudly. “Chan slander, dab!” she got took excited, hitting the unsuspecting Seungmin.

“Watch where you swing that twig, shortie!”

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Yesterday, this book officially turned a month old and it had 30k reads???

That's record breaking shit for me, you guys are so awesome, Tyvm for all your support!

Also, I'm (not) totally okay, but eh, I'm refreshed and ready to fight some firebenders.

If you catch the reference, Marry me, right now  💖💒

Anyways hi, how are you?
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