49: Endgame + Poor fourth wall

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[Third person pov]

"Before was was was, was was is!"

And the award for best braincells killer goes to; Hyunjin, a philosopher who is aspired to hunt all braincells and eliminate them. Now comes the narrating part y'all, okay so, in this scene we have all the teams perched atop a huge skyscraper in the middle of the night, all suit up in the batman's costume, watching the city for any crime- I'm sorry, my mind goes places.

Cut. Take two. 🎬

Ehem *in old Shakespearean medieval voice* *cues in band and people dancing at the pub* hear ye, hear ye, for thyself hath a messageth to passeth onto you fine brethren. After the games been doneth, wondering children and a potato named Yinth were awaiting the announce-zation (Rip English and your braincells) of the final result.

Tis been a fine game, starting from the great bowling catastrophe *Donald duck sighs in the background*

And then, we readth kids in the darkness, trying to escape the escape room. Wait, that don't seem right. They were trying to escape the escape room by escaping the escape room. Oof, I made it worse.

The third game was a little kitchen disaster as the foive star Michelins destroyed- I mean cooked*

For Le final task, el teams were required to get musical, and I'm not just talking about you when you showcase your inner singer when you're alone.

Let's not forget the extra activities my fair lectiophiles; the one with them dancing and creating inevitable chaos and then the one with random words being yelled.

You survived them all, mighty knights or damsels or dragons or kitchen towels- whatever one you pick.

"How is that important right now?" that was all Chris wanted to know. Sorry to break it to you Channie, we can't always get the answer to everything. Like who was the first teacher's teacher? What is the colour of a mirror? How far up does a bald person go when they wash their face? I think you might know the answer to that last one.

Curiosity also visited Seungmin's household, making him grow impatient just to know what team actually one this game. "Maybe we'd find out when the author stops roasting grandpa!"

"Is there even a fourth wall anymore?" Changbin was shik shak shok.

"At this point, I don't think so," The fourth wall- who was sat on a hammock- sighed, sipping on its Piña colada. "I'm just gonna enjoy my vacation."

"Oh fuck, we're screwed!"

"No swearing, Jeongin!"

"But Lee know Hyung said its a good thing," Jeongin huffed. "Like that one time he stubbed his toe, he went on a long cursing spree, he said 'Bloody fucking hell, this shit is total bs, its crappy and bitchass and it can su-"

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