36: Whip and Nae Nae

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[Third person pov]

"Yo, Tin can, over here!"

Yin lifted her head, just to see a rabbit waving at her, and behind him was a smiling puppy. Almost instantaneously, a smile tugged her lips upwards, pushing her eyes into slits as she jugged towards the zoo, her mulling demeanor casted aside for later hours.
“Hi Minho, Hi seungminnie!” She waved lightly, panting. The brunette was a bit late to get to the venue and seeing that only her team mates were present bewildered her. “Where is everyone?”

“That's not important,” Seungmin shrugged. Yeah, definitely not important *glares in Jyp* “The important thing is, can you dance?”

“You just activated the burst a groove machine, oh yeah!”

Very Chrisappointed, both males stared at what they assumed was dancing, although it looked like a cave creature performing a sacrificial ceremony.

“Please, have mercy on our eyes,” Minho squinted his eyes shut, using his hand as extra protection. “Does anyone have bleach?”

Seungmin on the other hand, sighed. “Please, just tell us you're joking!”

“I'm not joking, I'm Yin, duh!”

"Nope, you're yom!” Minho beamed at the memory of their sleep deprived leader.

“And I'm about to commit a crime,” Seungmin gruffed, angered that they were moving off topic.

“Dude, being this cute is already a crime!” Yin nudged his shoulder, causing the unsuspecting dandy boy to stumble. He huffed, reprimanding her words, Minho just watched, making a mental note to snitch this in the group chat.

“We're wasting time. Yom, our team is supposed to pick an skz choreography for extra points, which can you dance?”

The brunette hummed, rubbing her chin, her eyes narrowed like a villain, thinking of an evil scheme. “I don't know man, how about you pick!”

“We can literally dance all, so you pick!”

“No you!”

“No you!”

Minho sighed in Chan's baldness. “Silence mere beings, we shall decide with a duel, a great battle of rock, paper, scissor!”

That game never fails.

★ . . . . . . ★

“I'll whip and then nae nae you into outer space if you don't shut up!”

Since nobody wanted to be whipped and then nae nae'd into space– maybe except me, and maybe Seungmin too, cause bro wants to go to the moon– they all shut the fuck up, waiting for Tin can, cat butler and Jab master to return. Deciding a choreo wasn't so hard for them, because, pfft, they're stray kiss you know? No, I don't know. Why you don't know bro- cut, I got distracted.

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