25: Bowling catastrophe

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[Third person pov]

“This move is called, the lazy fat cat.”

Everyone watched as Jisung laid down, his back on the wooden floor, he lazily dropped the ball, staring in anticipation as it rolled towards the pins, surprisingly knocking down nine of them. The squirrel started rolling and as expected, screaming.

His teammates on the other hand participated, Hyunjin dancing like a crab with salt in his eyes while Changbin threw it back, and if you listen closely you'll hear WAP playing in the background.

Chan closed his eyes, wanting the pain to go away, it seems like they forgot that they were being filmed, but then again when are they ever aware?

“Go Jisung,” Yin effused, jumping to celebrate with them, but was pulled back by Minho and Seungmin.

“Do not celebrate with the enemy,” Seungmin pouted.

“She have a lot to learn,” Minho shook his head, disappointed? Yes. Surprised? No.

“Okay boomer.”

“Hey, I'm older than you!”

“Exactly my point, grandpa,” Yin raved, struggling to hide behind Seungmin who kept moving aside, exposing her to the fuming Minho. Thankfully he kept a spare human sized air fryer in his pocket.

“Do not seek refuge from me,” the brunette huffed, grabbing her shoulders and served her in front of Minho, a cheeky grin on his face. “You need Jesus.”

Felix sighed, gazing at the ball in his hands, his team was way behind and the blonde was well aware that his bowling skill isn't bom digi digi bom bom bom bom. But its hero time, so he heaved in a loud breath, posed in a majestic stands that cause angels' harps melody to emit from bowling heaven. And with a supertastic throw, the ball rolled straight again, everyone began hooting, the blonde already bowing, but– there's always a but, my good friends– gravity his long lost enemy decided to strike now, diverting the ball into the gutter.

*Angelic music stops*

*Felix's crying starts*

*Members laughter activates*

*Crew face palms*

*Jyp sighs*

“Epic fail, Yongbok,” Hyunjin wheezed, grabbing Changbin, the older was about to let that slide, but, that loud ass quokka joined, yelling directly into his ear. “Yongbok, epic fail, Yongbok epic fail-”

“I feel bad for piggy Hyung,” Jeongin shook his head, feeling genuine sympathy for Changbin, he himself had been a victim of the Hyunsung duo. Let me tell you, he barely survived.

“Yin, just remember if you fail-”

“I'm still a winner in your heart?” The brown haired female grinned at Minho, only to be shut down.

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