Chapter XVI

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A/N: Ya'll can thank @Ayanokoji-Kyun and @leviana1264 for getting me to upload something. Happy reading!!

As the officer's words echoed through the room, Katara's heart sank. The realization dawned on her with chilling clarity - they had walked right into a trap. Her gaze locked with Combustion Man's, a shiver running down her spine as she registered the danger they were in. Panic threatened to overwhelm her, but she forced herself to focus, her mind racing for a way out.

Across the room, Toph's frustration mounted as she slammed herself against the wooden jail cell, her efforts to metal bend thwarted by the material's composition. Katara's heart clenched at the sight of her friend's struggle, her mind racing as she searched for a solution.

As the group of officers closed in on her, Katara's heart pounded in her chest, adrenaline coursing through her veins. She backed up slightly toward the corner, her eyes darting between the advancing officers. Combustion Man stood ominously by the entrance, his presence casting a shadow of dread over the room. Katara's breath caught in her throat as she realized the magnitude of their danger. They were outnumbered, outmaneuvered, and trapped in a deadly game with no clear way out.

With nowhere left to retreat, the officers lunged forward, their hands reaching out to grab her. Instinct took over as she fought against them with all her strength. Every fiber of her being screamed for escape as she summoned her water-bending skills in a desperate bid for freedom. "Get off me!" she shouted, her voice filled with authority as she unleashed the full force of her bending prowess. The water surged and danced at her command, a powerful torrent that crashed into the officers with surprising speed and precision. The last of the guards fell, and Katara stood panting, her chest heaving with exertion.

Wasting no time and not looking forward to fighting Combustion Man, Katara raced over to Toph, who was trying everything to find an escape from her prison. Desperation clawed at her as she realized that her water bending alone wouldn't be enough to break through. They needed a plan, and they needed it fast.

Gritting her teeth, Katara focused her energy, channeling her water-bending into a concentrated stream that slashed through the wooden bars. But despite her efforts, progress was slow, the wood proving stubborn.

Suddenly, Toph's urgent cry pierced through the chaos, snapping Katara out of her concentration. "Katara, get down!" Without hesitation, Katara dropped to the ground, her heart pounding in her chest as she braced for impact.

With a deafening explosion, the jail cell erupted into a shower of splintered wood and debris. Katara shielded herself as best she could, the force of the blast sending shockwaves rippling through the air. Through the dust and chaos, she felt Toph's hand grip her arm, pulling her to the other side of the room to find shelter behind the front desk.

Just as they ducked out of sight, another explosion rocked the room, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. The wall in front of them crumbled under the force of the blast, showering them with rubble and debris. Katara and Toph shielded themselves as best they could, but the onslaught of destruction left them with minor cuts and scrapes from the flying debris.


Zuko's pacing sent small dust clouds swirling up from the ground beneath his feet, a visual manifestation of his restless energy. The garden, usually a place of serenity and peace, now felt charged with tension as the group waited anxiously for any sign of Katara and Toph's return.

Sokka glanced at Zuko, noting the tension etched into his features. "Relax, Zuko. They'll be back soon." His attempts to reassure Zuko were met with only a deepening furrow of frustration on the firebender's brow.

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