Chapter VII

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Zuko watched as his sister disappeared back into the night. As soon as the coast was clear, Aang and the others came rushing out into the open to check the damage done to the house. Zuko groaned as he tried to move his arm, pain searing into his left shoulder. Katara rushed over to the stairs where Zuko lay, "Zuko! Are you alright?" She carefully made her way up the few steps before reaching Zuko's position. She extended her hand to him, and he grabbed it with his right hand, pulling himself out from the rubble. He winced in pain and fell once more onto the more stable steps. His right hand shot up to his left shoulder and felt something hard and the warm stickiness of blood. "Katara-" He mumbled. 

Katara looked over his shoulder and found that a large piece of wood that had broken off from the stairs was pierced through his skin and into his shoulder. Blood leaked from the wound, his shirt becoming damp from soaking it in, "Zuko, you have to stay with me, okay?" She quickly said, noticing his pale features. 

Zuko mumbled incoherently as Katara yelled at her friends for assistance. "Aang, I need help. Take him to his room and lay him on his side. Sokka, you help him. I'll get what I need myself." 

"Katara, are you sure you should be doing so much right now?" Sokka interjected, coming closer to the stairs. 

She stared at him, "Sokka, there's no time for this. Zuko can bleed to death. My health right now isn't a main concern for me." 

Sokka looked away from her, "Maybe he should bleed to death," he mumbled quietly. 

Katara smacked him on the head, "Sokka! What is wrong with you? Help Aang get Zuko into his room, or so help me, I will make sure YOU bleed to death." She threatened him before running down the steps to go and grab a few towels and a large bowl of water. 

Sokka nodded quickly and rushed over to Aang and Zuko, helping the prince somewhat to his feet. They managed to get him into his room and laid him on his side on the bed. Katara came rushing in and placed a towel underneath Zuko. She grabbed the water bowl and set it down on the bedside table. Before beginning, she gripped the hem of his shirt and ripped it in half, so his back was exposed. She grabbed another towel, dipped it in the cold water, and cleaned off some blood dripping down his back and side. Zuko winced slightly at the touch of the cold water on his skin, yet felt his body beginning to heat up, sweat forming on his face. Katara sighed deeply and closed her eyes for a second, "Zuko, this next part is going to hurt." 

Zuko nodded, bracing himself for the pain to come, "Just do it." 

Katara held her breath as she wrapped her hands around the wooden stake. Zuko flinched slightly from the sudden movement to his wound and groaned as more blood trickled down his back. Katara tightened her grip, "Ready? One..." On 'one', Katara ripped out the wooden stick from his back. Zuko let out a cry, letting his pain be known to the world. Katara quickly dropped the wooden stick and bent the water in the bowl up to his back, beginning the healing process of the wound. Some of the blood poured out as she ripped out the wood, leaving his back stained in blood. She quickly closed the wound until the blood stopped seeping out. 

"What happened to 'two' and 'three'?" Zuko gasped once his breathing returned to normal. He groaned in pain as he sat up, his body sore and his shoulder tender. Katara smiled sheepishly, "Sorry, I got scared," she admitted. She grabbed the few towels she had brought with her and the bowl that carried bloodied water to the bathroom to get it and herself cleaned up. 

Toph came into the room once the tension died down, "I fixed up the door and the stairs. Azula is far from here. I can't sense her anymore," she announced. 

Katara nodded, "Thanks Toph." She gave out a long, deep sigh as she came out of the bathroom.  

Zuko rubbed his face. He felt mentally and physically exhausted and desperately needed a shower. He looked down at his blood-stained body and clothes and felt a surge of anger rise within him. He became angry at how Azula managed to get him once again. And once again, he was left a fool and helpless. She had tormented and tortured him for years, and even now, she doesn't cease. His grip tightened as he pulled on the strands of his hair that dangled in front of his face. Toph sensed Zuko's energy was becoming dark and cold. 

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