Chapter VIII

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Zuko woke up just as lightning struck the sky. He felt exhausted from last night and didn't want to open his eyes just yet. He thought that if he kept them closed, he would fall right back asleep, but that wasn't the case. It was subtle, but he could hear voices out in the hallway. He knew they were far from the room and could barely make out what the voices were saying. 

"How can I be happy for her? How can I be happy when the girl I've loved since the second I met her falls for someone else?" The familiar voice that was Aang's became clear. Zuko sat up slowly so he wouldn't wake Katara and carefully got out of bed. He came to the door and slowly opened it to just a crack just so he could clearly make out what Aang was talking about. 

"I want to be happy for her, I really do, but I just can't. I hate Zuko! Everything was fine the way it was before he showed up." Zuko narrowed his eyes in confusion. He quietly made his way out the door and thanked the rain for covering up the sound of his footsteps on the creaky floorboard. He stopped at the end of the hallway behind the corner before it reached the stairs. He continued to listen in.  "Aang...I didn't know-", He recognized the other voice as Toph. He was wondering what sparked Aang to go off like this. 

"It doesn't matter! Just forget it. It's not like anything can be done now. If she's happy with someone who isn't me, I must accept that." Zuko felt his heart skip a beat at the words coming from Aang's mouth. He never really thought about his feelings toward Katara. Sure, he thought she was cute, but there was no way anything between them could happen. Even if he wanted to pursue Katara, he knew that they would never make it together, that they were complete opposites, and that she belonged with Aang. He felt a pit in his stomach and a pain in his chest. He couldn't tell if that was from the guilt or the pain from last night. 

After the talking stopped, Toph spoke up from behind the corner, "I know you're there, Zuko. I know you heard all of that." She spoke softly, not wanting Aang to overhear downstairs, but with how hard the rain was falling, she doubted he could. Zuko flinched in his spot and held his hand up, "Toph!"

Toph shrugged tiredly, "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Zuko easily noticed that this conversation with Aang made her upset. He stood there silently, staring down at her. "So. What are you gonna do now?" She asked the fire bender. Zuko swallowed hard, "What do you mean?" Toph sensed the stress radiating off of him. She knew he was thinking hard about this. There was a moment of silence between the two of them. Toph didn't want to interrupt Zuko and his thoughts, nor did she want to rush his decision. Zuko let out a big sigh, slid his back down the wall, and sat on the floor with his head in his hands. "She was never really an option for me, was she?" He asked her quietly. 

Toph sat beside him in the dark hallway, "Honestly, Zuko. She's not an option. She's Katara. And it's up to her to decide what she wants. She's not yours. But she's also not Aang's. Do what you will with that information." She told him as she stared blankly at the floor in front of her. 

All Zuko did was nod before getting up, "I'm going to get ready for breakfast. I'll see you downstairs." He brushed off his pants before heading down the hallway and back to his room.  Toph sighed as she was left alone on the floor, "Not even a thanks." She rolled her eyes and stood up, "Boys." she said to herself while shaking her head. She went downstairs. 

Zuko entered his room and thought back to Katara sleeping peacefully beside him earlier. He closed the door behind him and stood there thinking to himself. He knew that he and Katara weren't anything, but he felt happier when she was around. He knew Katara and Aang weren't a thing either, but why did he feel so guilty thinking of Katara this way? Where did these thoughts even come from? He had never thought of her before, so what had changed? He bawled his fists in frustration and went for the bathroom to change and freshen up. He needed to stay away. 

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