Chapter One

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The sound of the dismissal bell rang through the halls of the prison that was my high school, freeing us students from our desks for the summer. Well, at least for the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors that would have more years of hell to endure. As a senior, I was home free as of a few seconds ago. I jerked out of my random day dreaming and scrambled to get out the door before my fellow seniors trampled me in their mad dash to freedom.

I was grateful that we weren't required to bring in our book bags during the last week, because I wouldn't have been able to squeeze my thin 5'6" frame through the stampede if I had had it with me. Don't get me wrong, I was eager to get out of this shit excuse for a school, but I wasn't rabid like most of the other students in my grade.

I didn't even consider the front exit an option once I got into the hallway. Instead, I slipped out the doors behind the stair case a few classrooms down from my own. I quickly crossed the baseball field and scaled the chain link fence, dropping gracefully down onto the grass on the other side. I flipped my fringe out of my face and grabbed my ear buds and phone out of my pocket, deciding on New Years Day by Black Veil Brides, which is only my favorite band ever.

I guess I should introduce myself to you. I'm Danielle Kathryn Aldaine, but you can call me Danni. I have naturally straight black hair that goes down to the middle of my back and sick electric blue fringe that really needs a re-dye job, but I can't afford it. I have chocolate brown eyes and a single tattoo in between my shoulder blades of the upside down BVB star. 80% of what I own is band merch that I manage to smuggle from Spencer's and Hot Topic. They have shit security for such popular stores. I love bands like Falling in Reverse, Pierce the Veil, Seeping With Sirens, My Chemical Romance, bands like that. But most of all, Black Veil Brides. And for some reason everybody hates me for it. Freak, dyke, emo fag, attention whore and other slurs have become the norm for me in this small town in LA. The not so good part of LA might I add.

Even at home, my dad uses me as his own personal punching bag. Ever since my mom died when I was thirteen, I've only seen him sober two or three times, and even then it was before he left to go get shit faced again. I manage to avoid most of his drunken rampages though by going to the local mall and staying there until 12 am at the latest. That's when he goes out to the bar every night.

I learned my lesson to stay away for such a long time when I walked in just as he was leaving one night two or three years ago. He was already drunk out of his mind and he hadn't even gotten to the bar yet. Empty beer cans and half full bottles of Jack Daniels littered the living room floor. Luckily, he hadn't broken any of the furniture that night, which was rare.

I'd realized my mistake when he came down the stairs to see who had opened the front door. We locked eyes for half a second before I made a run for it. Big mistake.

I made it about half way across the porch before I felt a rough hand grab me by the hair and yank me back inside. He threw me to the ground and proceeded to kick me endlessly in the ribs, all the while screaming mostly inaudible crap at me, but I could get an idea of what he was saying. He then picked me up by the neck and threw me half way up the staircase, his drunken state not affecting the amount of strength he possessed. He slapped me once more before stumbling out of the house and getting in the car.

I didn't dare move until the screech of his tires faded completely into the distance. Only then did I drag myself up the stairs and into the bathroom to asses the damage. It was a mystery to me how he didn't break my ribs with the amount of force he was kicking me with. He'd left a good amount of bruises though. My whole left side was black, blue, and purple. I had a red hand print on my cheek where he'd slapped me and my whole head was stinging because of how roughly he'd pulled my hair.

Black Veil Brides had saved me that night. I had the blade pressed hard against the vein in my wrist. All I had to do was move it a bit and... That's when my phone lit up. I don't know why it had, I didn't get a text or an email or anything. It just lit up and my tears fell harder as I looked at my boys on my home screen. If they knew that I was about to end it... what would they think of me? I decided then that adding four new marks to my collection on my arm would sate the itch to end it all for a little while longer.

I was quite literally shocked back to the present when my converse clad foot caught on a tree root as I was walking through the woods that I knew by heart. I caught myself just in time so that I didn't face plant right into the dirt. Unfortunately my lip piercing managed to cut my tongue and a few drops of blood dripped into the dirt. I cupped my chin gingerly and cringed. That was going to be painful for the next few days. At least it hadn't been my nose ring, THAT would have really sucked.

After the tiny cut stopped bleeding, I stood up and brushed off my Falling in Reverse shirt and ripped black skinnies. I was about to start walking again when I heard a rustle in the bushes behind me. It wasn't a rustle like leaves of a bush, this was more like paper. I turned around to see that a strip of paper had gotten caught in a nearby bush and I, being the tree hugger that I was, retrieved it with the intention of throwing it out.

I turned it over in my hands and nearly fell over again as I saw what it was. There in my hands was a ticket to Sunday's Black Veil Brides concert, just two days away. This couldn't possible be happening.

Sorry if this chapter wasn't so good, I'm just getting back into the swing of writing and I promise it'll get much less boring as the story progresses. Hopefully this gives you a good idea of the kind of person Danni is. Please be sure to comment what you think and please don't forget to vote! Thanks!

Picture of Danni to the side-->

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