Chapter Sixteen

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*Andy's POV*

I hopped up into the ambulance after Danni, praying to every god I could think of that she would be ok. I wasn't religious but I would try anything at this point. We'd only known each other for a little over a month but I felt like I'd known her for years. I didn't know what I would do if she were to not make it. I watched the paramedics hook her up to an IV and put an oxygen mask on her. Her face was completely drained of color and her hand that I was holding in a death grip felt so cold.

So many thoughts ran through my head as we sped to the hospital. I shouldn't have left her alone. I should've known Juliet would try something like this. What if Danni went into a coma? What if she didn't make it? What if... "Sir? Sir! You need to calm yourself down, you're hyperventilating," I heard a paramedic say. I looked up to see her watching me closely. I tried to calm myself back down but I just couldn't manage it. "Sir, you need to take deep breaths, ok? We're doing everything we can to help her but you having a melt down certainly wouldn't be beneficial." She took slow, deep breaths and I mimicked her, feeling myself relax... slightly.

We reached the hospital and the paramedics rushed Danni into the building, yelling things that I didn't understand to different nurses and doctors. I ran beside them but they stopped me at a pair of double doors and told me that I couldn't go any further. "Please just take care of her," I pleaded with the doctor, gripping his shoulder.

He gave me a grave look. "We'll try," was all he said before they wheeled her through the doors, I let her hand slip out of mine and watched it fall to the side of the bed before the doors swung closed, cutting off my view. I walked back to the waiting room in a trance, not really paying attention to anything around me. I slumped down into a chair and just stared at my hands for what seemed like hours but was really only twenty minutes or so. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder and I looked up to see a nurse smiling down at me. She didn't look much older than me with short, bright pink hair and dark green eyes. I stole a glance at her name tag. "Artemis", it said.

She quickly glanced down at her clipboard and then looked back up at me. "Danielle Aldaine?" I nodded once. "Could I have your name please?" She asked.

"Andrew Biersack," I mumbled. She scribbled that onto her clipboard.

"And your relation to the patient?"

"I'm her boyfriend." More scribbling.

"Thank you Mr. Biersack," she replied. "It appears that Ms. Aldaine has suffered a severe stab wound to her upper right thigh. She's lost a significant amount of blood. Do you know of any medication, allergies, or mental isssues that she may be taking or experiencing?" I shook my head. Even more scribbling.

I heard someone call my name from the doorway and looked over to see Johnnie and the rest of my band. They all walked over and greeted Artemis and I. I noticed that Jinxx was still shirtless but he didn't seem to care at the moment. She greeted them and I noticed her eyes lingering on Jinxx for a little longer than normal, but he didn't seem to notice at all. She looked back down at me and thanked me before heading back to the receptionist desk.

The guys questioned me about how Danni was doing. "I have no idea," was all I said. It was really all I had the energy to say. They looked at each other worriedly but didn't push me, instead choosing to sit down, all except for Johnnie who continuously paced the small waiting room.

"You ok dude?" Jake asked him after a few minutes of watching him.

"Fine. Just fine," Johnnie replied tensely. I've watched a sibling like bond form between Danni and him in the time they've known each other, so I understood why Johnnie was so worked up. I would be up and pacing as well if I had the energy. It was strange, I didn't feel tired at all, just... heavy... was the only way I could describe it.

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