Chapter Seventeen

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*Andy's POV*

One week. That's how long she'd been in a coma. I'd grown so accustomed to the beep... beep... beep... of her heart monitor that I barely heard it anymore. The rest of the guys got a hotel room down the block so that they didn't have to stay in the crowded tour bus if the didn't have to, but I refused to leave the hospital. I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

We told the fans what happened the third day she had been in a coma, not even bothering to try to cover it up after that huge crowd of people that had seen her be carried to the ambulance. The amount of support we received was totally overwhelming and get well presents were beginning to flood in through the mail every day. I'm pretty sure the post office people hated us by now.

I sat there next to her bed in my chair, twiddling my thumbs. The chair was permanently indented with the shape of my butt from how little I'd left it. With every day that passed, the doctors said that her chances of survival were less and less. Danni had lost so much blood that sufficient oxygen hadn't been getting to her brain for three minutes is what they had told me.

But that wasn't really what terrified me. What terrified me was that the doctor had told me she may not remember anything from up to a month before the incident if she woke up. If she woke up. He'd emphasized the "if". And that was if the amnesia wasn't permanent.

I leaned over and took her frighteningly cold hand in my own, placing a kiss on her head. "Please Danni, please wake up. I know we've only known each other for a little over a month but you mean more to me than my own life. If I could, I would make it so that I was the one in that bed instead of you."

I rested my head on her chest that was kept rising and falling just by a respirator. A tear ran from my eye and dropped onto her hospital gown. Crying seemed to be the only thing I'd been doing lately besides making a trip to the cafeteria once a day. I wouldn't leave her side at all if the guys didn't come by every day to make sure I ate and to check in on Danni.

Even Ronnie and the rest of FIR stopped by before continuing Warped Tour, as well as some other bands that I'd introduced her to. That included Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, Asking Alexandria, and Memphis May Fire. Johnnie stayed behind with us though, promising that he would make up the missed meet and greets to his fans somehow.

Jon had arranged for us to go on a mini tour after Warped to make up for the concerts we would be missing while Danni was laid up. I'd offered for Johnnie to ride along with us so that he could do the same but he wanted to make it up to them in his own way. We'd received word that Juliet was going on trial for attempted murder. There wasn't much evidence to support it, but Johnnie was needed as a witness because of what he'd heard on the phone.

I shut my eyes tight and moved my head so that our foreheads were pressed together. "Please, baby. Open your eyes." I begged her every day to open up her beautiful chocolate brown eyes that I miss so much, but every day they remained closed.

I sat back and wiped the tears from my eyes before checking my phone for the time. It was nearly twelve thirty in the afternoon. The guys would be here soon. I decided not to fight them anymore over eating and just texted CC, telling them to meet me in the cafeteria when they got here.

CC- Bout fuckin time u started eating without us having 2 force feed u

I didn't respond, not finding the energy to do so. I placed a kiss on Danni's forehead before heading for the door. Just as I was about to leave, I stopped, gripping the door frame for a minute before turning around and walking back over to her. I lowered my head so that our faces were inches apart. "I don't care how long it takes you to wake up, Dan. I'll stay here for weeks or even months if that's what it takes. I know you'll wake up. I know it." I leaned in even closer and whispered in her ear, "I love you."

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