Chapter Ten

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We were now on the road and it turned out that the guys had wanted to play their own concert in LA before heading to Warped Tour 2015, which was why they had played in my town. I didn't have any social media so I hadn't even known that Warped Tour was rolling around. I was ecstatic when I found out because the guys had promised to introduce me to some of my other favorite bands.

Andy was doing well and had preformed fine at the opening concert in the better part of LA. Some fans where less supportive of him and Juliet's break up and he had had to stop their set to call out some girls who kept throwing shit at them. The girls were eventually thrown out and the rest of the set had gone on without a hitch, thankfully.

We were now all hanging out and drinking in the tour bus. Ashley was wearing one of the bras that had been thrown to him on stage as a hat, and we were all rolling around in laughter at the mere sight of it. That was when we heard a knock on the door of bus. I watched in awe as the driver opened up the doors for our guest: Ronnie Radke from Falling in Reverse. He made his way up into the living room and greeted all of the guys warmly as I laid slack jawed on the floor, not having moved yet.

"What are you doing here, man?" Jake asked, standing up and brushing himself off before shaking his hand.

"What? I can't visit my favorite mother fuckers that I haven't seen in over six months?" Ronnie replied in a mock angry voice, pulling Andy into a bro hug and greeting the three other guys much the same way.

Finally, I stood up from my prone position behind the couch, brushing myself off awkwardly as Ronnie's eyes landed on me. Andy.

"Danni, come over here," Andy said with a smile, motioning with his hand for me to come meet Ronnie. I stopped in front of Ronnie and looked up at him shyly, not knowing what to say. I gave a small yelp when he picked me up in a bear hug and swung me around. "Helllllooooooo," he said, and then set me down with a huge grin on his face.

I was fifty different shades of red but I managed a "hello" back to him. Ronnie then when over to Ashley and swiped the Jack Daniels bottle out of his hands. He took a swig and then looked back at me. I found his erratic behavior strange, but realized that he must've already been buzzed before he made his way over to our bus.

"So, what brings you to the BVB tour bus?" He questioned, giving a suspicious glance between Ash and I.

My eyes grew wide and I threw my hands up. "No! Nothing like that! It's actually a long story," I replied frantically, rubbing my arm and hanging my head.

Andy came over and put his arm over my shoulders. I put my head on his chest. "Do you want me to tell him?" He asked me gently. I nodded. I didn't think I would be able to go through explaining it all again. "You sure? He doesn't have to know."

"Yeah, I'm sure." Andy went on to retell the story to Ronnie that I had told all of the guys on my first night here. The FIR frontman was ghost white by the time Andy had finished and I was just barely holding myself together.

Ronnie came up to me and I broke away from Andy to give him a long hug. "If any of these guys give you trouble, you come talk to me," he said jokingly in my ear, causing me to chuckle. We broke apart and Ronnie turned to Andy, Ashley, Jake, Jinxx, and CC.

"The rest of my band said they would catch up with you guys later. They went to a bar down the street to get shit faced. I hung back."

I heard CC gasp. "Who are you and what have you done with that Radke fucker?"

Everyone laughed at that. "I wanted to drink with you guys. You're way more fun than those fucks," he declared, once again swiping Ash's JD bottle and taking a swig. He ended up hanging out for another two hours before heading back to his own bus to get some sleep, or sleep off the insane amount of alcohol he'd managed to consume in that short time more like.

I hadn't drank more than a bottle of beer but Ashley and CC were a different story. Both of them could barely stand and I excused myself so that I could help them both to their bunks. I took CC back first and he assured me that he didn't need anymore of my help besides walking there and I went back for Ashley. He was way more drunk than CC though and Andy insisted on helping me with him. "You never know what Ashley will do when he's this drunk, especially with a woman," he told me.

I knew Ashley would never force himself on me, even if he was drunk off his ass, but I let Andy help me anyway. I wanted to talk to him in private and this was a good way to get him away from Jake and Jinxx for a little while.

Andy all but threw Ashley into his bunk once we got him there. We decided that we would let him sleep in the stage cloths that he had passed out in as payback for making us carry his sorry ass all the way to his bunk.

Andy was about to head back to the living room when I grabbed his arm. "Can I talk to you please?"

He nodded and we sat down on my bunk, pulling the curtain shut behind us. He stared at me intently and I took a deep breath. "How are you feeling, Andy? Honestly."

He chuckled. "It's kind of funny that you're the one asking me that now."

I gave him a small smile but didn't let him change the subject. He sighed when he realized he hadn't gotten away with it and scratched the back of his head. "Honestly... I don't know. I'm not okay, but I'm not... I'm not suicidal." His voice was just barely a whisper at that last word.

I nodded slowly. "That's good. But why aren't you okay?"

He brought his knees to his chest and rested his head on them. "Well, there's this girl that I really like, but I don't know if she likes me back the way I like her though. I know it sounds like some stupid high school crush but... I don't know."

My whole world shattered around me when he said that. I held his gaze but inside I was breaking into a million pieces. "Oh," was all I could get out without my voice quivering. I was barely holding back tears as it was. I gathered myself for what I was going to say next. "Who is it?" My voice was barely a whisper.

He gave me a small smile and scooted a bit closer to me. He lowered his head so that our lips were just mere inches apart. I was barely breathing as I looked into his crystal blue eyes. I realized that I already knew the answer.

"You," he whispered before closing the gap between our lips.

Wow, I didn't even expect that to happen when I started writing this chapter. It just kind of just happened and I went with it. Please don't forget to comment your thoughts and vote!

P.S. Don't remind me that Falling in Reverse isn't touring with Warped Tour this year. It's my story so shush.

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