Facing Odin

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"This way, Lady Emily," Thor told her, guiding her out of the prison, a place he was honestly happy to leave.

He led her through the labyrinthine halls of the castle, feeling a twinge of unease. Her request to meet Odin was a risky one, and he found himself trying to guide her on how to address his father without causing offense.

"Remember, Lady Emily," he advised, "Address him as 'King Odin,' and try to keep your tone respectful. Never cut him off when he is talking, even if he rants. He's not known for his patience."

She nodded, her face set in a determined expression. "I will try."

Thor could see she was taking his words to heart, but he couldn't shake off his concern.

"You really shouldn't be doing this," he told her, his voice carrying a note of worry. She was stepping into dangerous territory, defending Loki, of all people.

But looking at her, seeing the determined glint in her eyes, she said, "Maybe not, but I have to, I can't ignore this."

He couldn't help but feel a swell of admiration. Her courage, her unwavering will to defend Loki against all odds, it was something truly remarkable.

As they continued down the hall, he could only hope that Odin would see that same courage and respect it. For Emily's sake, and for Loki's.

They arrived at the entrance to the throne room, the grand doors a formidable barrier between them and Odin. Before they could enter, a guard stepped in their path, his expression stern.

Emily stepped forward, her voice firm. "I demand to see Odin."

The guard shook his head, unmoved by her plea. At this, Thor stepped forward, his patience wearing thin.

"I suggest you step aside," he commanded, lightning flashing in his eyes as he tapped into his inherent power. The guard blanched, stepping aside hastily.

Inside, the room was dominated by Odin's throne, the high priest himself perched atop it. His gaze landed on Emily as they approached, a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"King Odin. I wish to speak with you," Emily stated, her voice echoing in the grand hall. "About Loki."

"I do not have time for this," Odin dismissed her, his eyes scanning over some parchments in his hand. "Be gone."

Resisting the urge to bristle at his dismissal, Thor stepped forward. "King Odin," he started, his voice carrying a note of respect despite his frustration, "I ask that you at least listen to her."

Thor could only hope that Odin would grant them this audience. For Emily's sake, for Loki's, and for the peace it could bring.

Emily fought to keep her voice even and her words respectful. Odin's dismissive attitude grated on her nerves, stoking a fire within her. She wanted to glare at him, to challenge his arrogance, but she reigned in her irritation. She needed his cooperation if she was to save Loki.

"King Odin," she began, forcing herself to maintain eye contact, "I believe Loki was under the influence of some kind of magic when he attacked New York."

Odin's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he didn't interrupt. Encouraged, she pressed on.

"I've seen his eyes change, I've seen the struggle within him," she said passionately. "And he saved me," she added, leaving out the fact that he was also the one almost killing her. "I've seen the good in him, the part of him that not everyone gets to see."

Odin remained silent, his expression inscrutable. But she had said her piece. Now, all she could do was wait and hope that her words had reached him.

Glancing at Thor, she gave him a small, grateful smile. His support meant more to her than he probably knew. His presence at her side lent her the strength she needed to face Odin and plead Loki's case.

Odin opened his mouth to respond, and her heart sank as she braced herself for his decision. His initial words seemed to indicate that Loki would remain imprisoned, a verdict she was not ready to accept.

But before he could finish his sentence, the grand doors of the throne room burst open. Hogun, Thor's friend, came sprinting in, his chest heaving with exertion, his face flushed with urgency.

"King Odin," he gasped out, struggling to catch his breath. His sudden appearance drew everyone's attention, a stark interruption to the tense conversation.

Odin leaned forward on his throne, his eyes narrowed. "Speak, Hogun. What is happening?"

"We're under attack," Hogun managed to get out between heavy breaths. "Dark elves... led by General Geo."

The words hung in the air, a chilling announcement that turned the tide of the conversation entirely.

Emily's brain reeled with shock; dark elves, here?

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