Meeting the queen

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"Here you go lady Emily. I hope these chambers will be sufficient for now". Thor says as he opens a door and lets her walk inside in front of him.
She looks around, her eyes growing wider with each thing she notice and she turns to look at Thor. "You are kidding right ? Sufficient ? This is like the most extraordinary hotel room, it is fit for a king".
"Thank you.. I think". Thor is looking a tad confused. "If you just relax here, I will go talk to father about Loki. No need for him to be in the dungeon".
"Please do what ever you can Thor". She grabs his hand, it is enormous. "I am afraid he will break if they push him. He is still so brittle, even though he has made much progress".
Thor cocks his head, looking down at her. "Brittle ? I don't ever think anyone has ever seen my brother as such before. You really do care about him, don't you ?"
"I truly do". She says blushing slightly. There is no reason to hide it any longer. She has surely but steadily fallen for him. Against all sanity and reason she is in love with Loki.
"I will do my very best to convince father my lady". Thor says, bowing lightly as he leaves the room and closes the door behind him. Leaving her alone to study the room.
She walks around, letting her hand slide over the beautiful furniture, wondering how the royal chambers look if this is a room given to a nobody like herself. She walks out on the small balcony, the view is simply breathtaking. Almost to bright to look at.
There is a soft knock at the door and she goes to open, finding a smiling Fandral on the other side. He bows lightly. "My lady has been summoned by the queen and the healers".
"Oh, thanks". She says, not sure it is actually a meeting she wish to attend. But she is also very much sure she don't have a choice. "Well then you better take me there. But please do call me Emily, and forget the lady part, it makes me feel old".
He bows again, holding the door open for her as she steps outside. "As you wish my.. sorry Emily. It is a very pretty name by the way. Fits you perfectly".
"Tell me Fandral. Are you always such a flirt ?" She looks up at him with a smirk. He laughs and offers her his arm gallantly. "Only to beautiful women".
She shakes her head lightly, but she actually likes him. His flirting don't feel intrusive, just charming to be honest. It might be because it comes of as genuine and not like it is a way to charm his way into her panties.
He leads her through the castle and he can clearly feel her tensing up. His hand gently pads hers. "Don't worry Emily. A woman that can stand up to Loki can easily handle these women, just believe in yourself".
"Thank you Fandral. I will try to remember that". She says with a small smile and takes a deep breath, when he opens the door to her.
"My queen.. my ladies. I brought you the lady Emily as requested". He says bowing lightly towards the 4 women waiting in the room.
An very beautiful statuesque woman steps closer. "Thank you Fandral, you can leave". Then she looks a Emily. "So you are lady Emily, the woman that has enchanted my youngest son. Welcome I am Frigga".
"Thank you, your Majesty". Emily is a little confused how to approach this woman. Can she trust her ? Or is she a dickhead like Odin. "But I haven't enchanted anyone".
Frigga smiles softly and walks over to take Emily's hand, squeezing it softly. "I beg to differ. Thor told me of what he did to stay with you and to safe you. I know my son and you clearly has a special hold on him".
Emily just look at the older woman and decides that she likes her, it is clear from her smile mentioning Loki, that se cares a lot about him. "I think he is the one having a hold on me".
Frigga smiled at her, and gently pulled her towards the other women. "Well first we have to get you checked by our healers. And then we will go find a solution to,this little problem with Loki okay ?"
Emily just nod, what else can she really do. But maybe having the Queen on her side regarding Loki is the ace she needs to get him out of the dungeon.

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