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Emily slowly woke up, stretching her body, she had slept uncommonly well, she opened her eyes and almost screamed. "Fuck Loki, you almost gave me a heart attack".
"Why ?" He looked at her, waiting for an answer, he was propped up on one elbow, staring intently at her, his face less than a foot from hers.
Why was she in his bed ? But then she remembered his fever and him freezing. "Because I forgot I was in your bed and you are very close".
"I was actually wondering what you are doing in my bed, just couldn't resist me any longer ?" He smirked at her.
She rolled her eyes, seriously ? "Because you were crying like a baby last night sweet Loki, you were cold and begged me to hold you".
"I did no such thing, I don't cry, I am used to pain". He snorted and looked like she had insulted him.
He had to be kidding she thought and started to giggle. "Well you were actually a bit pathetic, whining an well calling for me".
Before she realised what he was doing, he was straddling her hips, his hands around her wrists and his face so close their noses almost touched.
He was angry, but he was still Loki, he didn't look possessed or psychotic, just pissed and he hissed. "I am not pathetic and that I should be calling for you, you must be delusional".
"Why on earth would I want to make that up ?" She looked directly i to his eyes, he couldn't intimidate her anymore.
Suddenly she remembered something and she called out. "Jarvis, no reason to call Tony, I am not in danger, Loki is just playing around".
"That is understod Emily, just let me know if the situation changes". Jarvis electronic voice sounded.
Loki was glaring at her. "I am not playing around your wench, you ought to be afraid of me, why ain't you afraid of me Emily ?"
"Because Loki, I have seen the good in you and I have seen the vulnerability in you, so no I am not scared of you, I know you do not wish to hurt me". She held his gaze.
He looked at her like she appalled him. "Oh so that is what you believe ? You really believe I don't wish to hurt you ? Do you know what I wish to do ?"
"No Loki, but I am pretty sure you are going to enlighten me". She was starting to get annoyed by now.
He sent her a mischievous smile and she only just, what is he up to, before his lips was on hers.
Her brain was working in double tempo, seriously ? Was he really kissing her ? She triede to get free, but he bit into her bottom lip making her gasp, which he exploited to invade her mouth with his tongue.
His tongue found hers and her brain went into meltdown, she was suddenly kissing him back like her life depended on it.
When she realised he had let go of her hands, she grabbed his neck, holding his mouth pressed to hers.
One of her hands ran into his hair, entwining itself in it, she was moaning against his mouth, trying to focus, this is wrong, they shouldn't be doing this.
But she had no resistance, her entire being was wanting for him, she would pretty much do anything he asked her to.
After a kiss that felt like forever, he pulled his lips from hers, she looked up at him panting, he smiled mischievously and winked at her and in a clous of green sparks he was gone.
"Fuck". She yelled out into the room, how could she be so stupid ? He had played her, she had never put the cuff back on him.

The man in the cell (Loki fanficktion)Where stories live. Discover now