Perks of immortality

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She clung to him, afraid of what would happen if she got away from him, but then the world was back to normal and she turned and hit Loki hard in the chest with a fist.
He grabbed her hand and looked calmly at her. "Emily please stop beating me, and tell me instead why you're angry."
"What the hell was Thor talking about ? Immortality? Loki what the hell did he mean by that?" She stare directly at him.
He bites his lip. "Well I maybe had to do something to save your life, which has left a permanent mark, so yes you are immortal, or at least as close to it as you can get."
"What have you done Loki?" She looks down on herself, she neither looks different or feels different, how could Thor see it?
He sighs and release her hand, instead he run it through his hair. "My magic was not enough to heal you, I was burning myself up as you probably saw, so I gave you a couple of Idun's apples".
Idun's apples, she had read something about them in the book, it was the thing that gave the gods their youth and immortality.
"You should not have done that without my permission, who says I want to be immortal?" She was scared and confused and reacted therefore with anger.
His gaze was dark and suddenly he knocked her into the wall, his face close to hers. "I'm starting to get pretty tired of your attitude and ingratitude Emily".
She gasped for breath, he had frightened her, but his presence and commanding voice also did something else to her and her feelings made her embarrassed.
"Where are we by the way ?" Loki looked around the apartment, they were in a modern and sparsely furnished living room.
She breathed in and tried to focus on anything other than his presence. "My apartment, it was the only thing I could think of."
"Probably not the best hiding place my beautiful, but no matter what, my brother will find us soon, we can not hide ourselves for Heimdal very long." He sighed and stepped if possible, even closer to her.
His voice was gentle now, but he still held her pressed against the wall. "You will be brought to Odin, it is possible we do not see each other again, so what do you think we should spend our last time together doing."
She wanted to tell him that he should keep his hands off her, he should let her go, that they should flee, she was so not going up to Odin, but she could not utter a word.
"Hmm so lost for words you suddenly are, it's a nice change." His mouth slipped into a teasing smile.
She did not know what just came over her, she did not think about it before the words were out of her mouth. "Tell me, are we going to use the remaining time on something sensible, or just stand here acting smart."
"You know what the biggest advantage of your immortality is beautiful? I do not have be afraid to hurt you." His mouth was over hers and she lost her breath as he pressed his body against hers.
Her hands were in his hair, holding his lips against hers and she moaned slightly as his tongue invaded her mouth.
Oh shit what was it that he did to her? She knew it was wrong, so infinitely wrong and yet she was prepared to do everything he could ask her.
His hands had let her go and glided under her blouse, finding her breasts and she pressed against his hands.
Loki's mouth slid up her neck and she gasped when he nipped her right at her pulse point, his voice vibrated against her skin. "I wish we had more time Emily".
Right then Thor burst through the door, he stopped and looked at them, and his cheeks went red, he looked like someone who did not know what to say.
Loki released her and turned slowly, his voice was sarcastic. "Perfect timing, as always, Thor."

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