Weird mythology and warm bodies

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"Well Bruce, how does it look ?" Tony asked him as he and Emily entered the room again.
Bruce looked up from Loki, at least he looked calm and relaxes Emily thought. "He is running a very high fever, had he used just a little more energi he would have literally burned himself up".
"Is he going to be okay ?" Emily asked, he was looking so pale and fragile as he lay there on the bed, but at least his breathing was even now.
Bruce sendt har a calming smile. "He is exhausted and seems to be in a lot of pain, but he just needs to rest, he be back to normal in no time".
"Am I right if I put my money on wanting to stay here and watch cinderella sleep ?" Tony asked with one eyebrow raised and one of those smiles Emily hated.
She glared coldly at him. "Well Tony, that kind of is my job to watch him right ? And right now he looks like he needs it".
"I make sure you get some food later then, just call if you need something". He answered and walked out, Bruce following, sending her a friendly nod on the way.
Emily sat next to Lokis bed, she hoped Bruce was right and he would be back to normal soon, he had after all taken great risks to safe her.
Shortly after Tony came back, carrying some bottles of water and a book. "I thought some water would be good, also for him if he wakes up and I just spotted a book I thought you might enjoy".
"Thank you Tony, so considered all of a sudden". She said a bit sceptical, but his smile made her believe that he was actually just being nice, and she smiled back.
When Tony had left she looked at the book, it was a book about norse goods and mythology, it actually sounded interesting and she fingered through it, it had a long chapter about Loki.
She couldn't help but read it, but before long she was a bit shocked, and regretted reading it, there was some really fucked up shit, smashing New York suddenly didn't seem so bad.
But these things couldn't be for real, could they ? He couldn't be the father of a big wolf and a giant sea serpent, that just wasn't possible, not to talk about being the mother of an eight legged horse, that was a birth she didn't want to know about.
She suspected that Tony did it on purpose, especially when she read the part about Sigyn, she was his wife, Vale and Narfi was his sons, which was pretty obvious when she knew it.
There was nothing wrong with that, she just hadn't expected it, hadn't really contemplated the possibility that he could be married, have a family, one Odin apparently had parted him from forever, she liked Odin less and less.
She was wondering if he would answer some questions when he woke up, she couldn't help be a bit curious about some of the things, if they were real and such.
After a couple of hours he woke up partially, he writhed as in pain and mumbled something about burning, that he was to hot and he was scratching his chest like he was trying to peel of his skin.
She hurried and got some towels and soked them in cold water and twisting the water out, before putting them on his bare chest, then she held his hands, so that he couldn't scratch himself and talked to him in a soothing voice.
"Emily ? Is Emily okay ?" His voice sounded scared and he was trying to sit up in the bed.
She put a hand on his chest. "Relax Loki, I am right here next to you, and I am fine, so please go back to sleep".
He calmed down again and she could relax, the whole day went that way, he slept, and occasionally woke up, trashing around, talking about burning or calling for her.
When Tony brought her dinner, he looked at her asking. "How is he coming along ? Any changes ?"
"Not really, he wakes a little once in a while, but he is just rambeling and then back to sleep". She accepted the plate of food and put it on the small table.
He nodded and was about to leave, then he spotted the book laying open and the table. "Is the book any good ?"
"Yes very interesting Tony". She said and choose to ignore him until he shrugged and left the room.

"Emily ? Emily are you here ?" It was Lokis voice, she woke up a little confused, she was sitting in the chair, her feet up and her head on her knees sleeping.
It was the middle of the night judging on the level of darkne darkness in the room and she hadn't realised she had dosed of.
"Yes Loki, I am right here, is something wrong ? Do you need anything ?" She reached out to find his hand, and he grabbed her hand, squeezing it.
He sounded more like himself, but his voice was shaking slightly and she could hear his teeth clacking. "I am so cold".
She found his planket and tucked it down around him, the fever was apparently breaking, he was still hot, but now only like a normal fever.
"I am still freezing, it is so cold, please ?"she realised he was holding out his arms, like a kid wanting a hug.
She didn't know, this was probably a very bad idea, but he was sick, nothing bad could happen from warming him a bit could there ?
"Okay then, move over". She lifted his blanket and slid down beside him, she was wearing a T-shirt and pyjamas pants.
His arms engulfed her right away, pulling her into his hard warm chest, his face snuggleling against her neck and he sighed contently.
His breath against her neck send little jolts through her and she felt stif as a board, afraid to do something wrong, but shortly after she heard that he was sleeping and she relax a bit, falling asleep as well.

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