22 | Friend

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I still feel the chill, As I reveal my shame to you
I wear it like a tattoo

I groan and rub my face, the smell of food surrounds me. I furrow my brows and sit up, opening my eyes and looking around.

"Fuck" I mutter as I take in my surrounding. That wasn't a dream. I get up and look to the coffee table where there was a glass of water and pill beside it, the sound of someone makes me look toward the sound and get up to walk there. My head pounds as I walk out of the living room and I'm guessing toward the kitchen.

I stop in my tracks seeing the blonde, she looks up and meets my eyes. "Minho left you a pill to take for your headache," She tells me, "Stay for breakfast, I made enough" she offers.

I clear my throat and shake my head "I'm not really hungry, thanks" I tell her "I should actually go home"

"Minho is in the shower and he can give you a ride back" She suggests but I was quick to shake my head.

"No, I'm fine. Really" I said, she was too nice to me. I hated it. I wish she was a bitch. "Thank you for letting me stay"

"You are a friend of Minho's so it's no problem"

I gave her a forced smile before leaving out of the kitchen and out of the house which made me feel suffocated. I sigh and start walking away.

I was so pathetic. This was stupid. I don't know why I came here last night, I was doing so good showing him I didn't care but as soon as I got drunk I confessed my feelings. I groan and continue my walk.


I walk into the apartment, my head still pounding. I was hoping to walk to my room but I stopped as I noticed the eyes on me.

Seungmin, Hyunjin, and Jeongin sit on the couch, visibly worried.

"What the fuck? We were worried about you all night" Seungmin gets up.

"I'm fine, I just needed air" My eyes go to Jeongin who looks down.

"Where were you?"

I walk past him "I'm showering" I ignore his question.

I shower and try to wash away my embarrassment from the night before. I don't confess feelings and I sure as hell don't get kissed by one of my best friends.

After showering and taking pills for my headache, I throw myself onto my bed and stare at the ceiling. A small knock on my door, "Come in" I yell and the door opens.

"Hey," I hoist myself up on my elbows and look at Jeongin. "I'm sorry" He walks in and sits beside me "I shouldn't have kissed you. It was stupid"

"Don't worry about it" I sit up and look at him.

Jeongin looks at me "It kind of just happened and when it did I realized I fucked up"

I chuckle lightly "It's fine Jeongin"

He frowns and looks away "Well, good news"

"Give it to me, i'm in need of good news"

"The kiss made me realize that friendship is best between us"

I laugh loudly, "I'm that easy to lose feelings for?"

Jeongin's shoulder bumps mine "You know what I mean"

I nod with a small smile "Yeah..." I look away and stare at the door. Maybe that was it.

*Song rec - Like a
Tattoo by Sade*

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