26 | Cherry-Flavored Lips

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Stay with me
I don't want you to leave...

I didn't regret my decision. I want to explore what Jisung and I have.

I've spent so much of my years with June and I loved her. I truly did, I mean I was willing to have a baby with her for god sake. We almost had a baby...

I didn't go back to the house last night, stood at Jisung's because how could I leave him after our conversation? I didn't want to leave his side, scared maybe he would realize I was a total asshole and that he deserved so much better.

He did deserve better but I'm willing to be better and to show him that I'm trying. This whole thing is new to me and it will take time for me to be fully open with not just him but with myself.

I've grown up with a lot of pressure for my future. It's either you're doing good or you're not doing enough and I just got to the point with my parents that they felt was right. I was on the right track, maybe an engagement is near and hopefully a kid... but that's not at all where I was at.

I loved June and some thoughts lingered in my head throughout the time we were together of me wanting to propose but something held me back.

And then, I met Jisung. There was this instant attraction I had towards him. Well, It started when I was going through my student's files the last professor left and his stuck out to me. He was smart. It was impressive and I knew I couldn't wait to see it for myself.

Smart brains and a smart fucking mouth. He had me wrapped around his finger the moment I met his eyes at that tattoo shop. The daring look in his eyes, as he said he would join us for a drink knowing damn well the lecture was in the morning.

I'll admit I let the alcohol take over that night as I leaned in to kiss him. He was just so tempting. The way each word fell from his lips swooned me from the start. I knew what I was doing, was wrong but it felt so right.

My body wanted him. I wanted to get on my knees and just surrender to this temptation—especially after getting a taste of those cherry-flavored lips.

So, today I was nervous, to say the least. I didn't give much thought to how we would work but I just knew I would make it work. I had to and I wanted to and more than ever, I needed to. This was a feeling I couldn't lose again.

I watched the class fill as I sat at my desk like I normally did but as the clock ticked and the door fell closed with the last person entering my eyes lingered on the empty seat beside Jisung's friend Seungmin.

I pushed down the thought of him regretting his words last night. Getting up and starting the lecture though my mind was distracted I still pushed through the hour and a half.

As the students wrote in their notebooks, I walked to my desk and grabbed my phone—back to the class as I sent a quick but confused text to Jisung. I shouldn't have, I know I looked desperate but I did. He wasn't in class and when I left him this morning he was a sleepy-grumpy mess, grumbling incoherent words as I kissed his cheek and whispered how I had to leave to get ready for lecture this morning. That's all that was exchanged, he didn't ask me to stay longer or even open his eyes to wish me a goodbye. I thought nothing of it.


It was lunch, still no text back and now I wasn't just confused, I was also annoyed.

I had three lectures every day, one way too close to the other but I was getting paid so I couldn't complain as I had to eat quickly.

"Mr. Lee, Wonderful seeing you again" The dean walks into the staff room. I normally ate in here instead of the class because, well I spent hours in there that I rather not spend more time or I would rip my hair out.

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