Meeting Yukina's Husband.

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Yui's P.O.V

I woke up and check out the time. It's still 8 am class starts at 5 so might as well have breakfast. I went to my bathroom, took a shower then went to my closet and wore a black dress with frills. I saw Mizuki still sleeping so I quietly went outside my room. I went to the kitchen and saw all the brothers there.

"Ohayo gozaimasu!!" I greeted happily.

"Ohayo!" They greeted back.

"What's for dinner?" I asked.

"Pancakes" Reiji answered.

"Wohoo!... Pancakes!" Oops... Where are my manners? I'm supposed to be a royalty but how come I lack elegance? If Yukina saw me she would probably throw me one of her lectures.

"Excuse me" I said as I regain my composure.

"Your manners are improving" Reiji said. Eh? Really? I mentally face-palmed. Well whatever... Pancakes here I come. I was going to stuff my face with pancakes when I suddenly remembered my manners. So being the obedient girl I am, eat my pancakes elegantly. After eating breakfast, I went to grab some fruit for Mizuki then went upstairs.

"Where are you going, Yui?" I heard Laito asked.

"Uh... To my room?" I said raising a brow. Isn't it obvious that I'm going to my room?

"Why are you in a hurry?" I heard Shuu asked.

"Cause I have something important to do." I reasoned.

"Once your done, come down immediately. We have so many questions to ask you." Reiji said. I quickly went to my room and saw Mizuki have woken up already.

"Hey" I greeted and gave her the fruit.

"Thanks" she said and started to eat her breakfast. After eating her breakfast, I told her to hide in my hair cause were going to have a 'Question and Answer' with the brothers

"I want to watch the movie but I guess we have some change of plans" I said.

"Yeah" she agreed.

"Oh that was fast" Subaru said as he sees me in the living room.

"Yeah..." Why didn't I took my time to watch the movie? I'm so stupid.

"So what's your question?" I asked as I sit down.

"What's this?" Laito asked as he held Yui's blood tablet.

'What am I gonna do?' I asked Mizuki through mind link.

'Tell a lie' she quickly respond.

"Umm... My medicine?" I said but it sure sounded like a question.

"Eh? Really? What's this for?" He pushed.

"For my cough" I respond, faking a cough.

"You could've ask Reiji for a medicine that could cure you, quickly."

"I don't want to trouble anyone" I said looking down. I should become an actress.

"It won't trouble me. You just have to ask." Reiji said.

"Thank you, Reiji-san" I thanked.

"Next question?" I asked.

"None, your free to go." Reiji said and dismissed me.

"I'm just going to the garden so Bye" I said then went to the garden.

"Man! You should become an actress." Mizuki told me once we're in the garden.

"They've gone soft." I told her.

"And I hate it." I added.

"Why?" She asked.

"If someone, a stranger, goes in the house. What would they do if they've gone so soft? Offer the stranger a cup of tea?"

"No Yui. They're smart. They won't be soft on others except you and only you"

"Yeah" I said and chuckled a bit, knowing that they care for me so much.

"Ouch!" Yukina exclaimed as I kicked her foot and she fell to the ground.

"Hahaha... Trying to sneak up on me? Bad idea." I said and helped her stand.

"Your getting better, Yui." she commented then we talk some more 'til Mizuki told me that I was going to be late for class. I quickly dashed to my room then face-palmed myself as I realized I could just teleport. I went to my closet then grab my uniform and wear it. I quickly went downstairs where I see Reiji about to call me but stopped when he sees me.

"Good" he said then me and the brothers left for school.


I'm panting heavily, looking for a place to hide. I'm thirsty! Forest, now! I quickly went to the forest and tried to hunt for a prey but nothing. Ughh... My throat is burning, I need blood now! I look at my wrist and that gave me a stupid idea to suck myself then I suddenly collapsed.

I opened my eyes and all I see is white. Am I dead? I look around the room, my eyes suddenly stop on a man sitting on a chair beside the bed I'm laying on. The man look at me and smiled.

"Oh you're awake. Are you hungry?" He asked politely.

"Where am I? Who are you?" Instead of answering his questions, I asked more questions instead.

"Yukina probably didn't tell you. I'm her husband, Victor."

"What!? Yukina has a husband!? I mean she's so young!" I exclaimed. That Yukina! She didn't told me, she has a husband. I agree with Mizuki, she's really forgetful. He chuckled at my outburst.

"Yeah, she gets that a lot." We suddenly heard the door slammed open.

"Yui..." T-the devil just arrived in her scariest voice. I mentally shuddered, forgetting all my rage of her not telling me that she has a husband.

"O-oh Yukin-na, I'm so glad to see you." She's gonna kill me! Wahh!! I'm too young to die! Okay, I'm being over dramatic. Stay calm, Yui. It's just Yukina with horns popping out of her head and fangs elongating. Well that's just my imagination.

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! I'll never do it again!" I apologized.

"It's the second time, you're sucking yourself! How can I believe you!?"

"Mizuki! There's Mizuki, guarding me."

"Ugh... You're giving me a headache."

"Seems like your growing old." I teased then she glared at me.

"Shut up."


"Let's get you back to the mansion."

"Okay. They're probably worried." I said, feeling a little bit of guilty about keeping this secret.

"By the way, are you going to explain?" I said and pointed to the guy whose silent all this time. I don't know his name yet.

"Oh yeah... Hehe, this is Victor, my husband. Victor this is Yui, my cousin. Sorry about not mentioning about you before." She said and hugged Victor.

"Stop hugging. I'm getting jealous of you, lovebirds."

"You should give the brothers a chance."

"Nah, I'm not yet ready."

"Pshh... Even though she loves Ayato she doesn't want to admit it."

"Shut up."

"Well, Let's go!" Victor said as he stopped our conversation so their house won't be a mess with our cat fight.

"Iku zo!!" Me and Yukina exclaimed and dashed out of the room, leaving a sweatdropped husband behind. I mentally laughed at my thought. Me and Yukina teleported back to the place where I collapsed.

"Bye, Yui. See you tomorrow."

"Bye!" We bid goodbye then I went back to my class. I didn't know that school's over! Ughh... What time is it!? I look at a clock that was in the hallway and quickly teleported to my room in the mansion. I quickly changed into my casual clothes and read a book that was on a nearby table, knowing that the brothers are looking for me and are worried. I feel guilty and afraid, what punishment would I get this time?

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