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This chapter is for my grandpa, who just died today. Thank you so much for everything, daddylo! Thank you for always telling me that you love me so much. Grandpa, I'm gonna miss you so much. I'm not gonna be sad all day, I know you hate seeing me sad so I'll be happy that you're somewhere peaceful right now.

I don't need an angel
On top of my tree.
I already have
one in heaven,
who's looking at me.

Anyway, guys! Here's your chapter! Enjoy! :)
And Merry Christmas! Sorry for getting emotional.

Yui's P.O.V

I groaned as I sat up. I didn't get to look at my surroundings as I thirst for blood. I spotted a window and attempted to jump but my wrist was chained to the bedpost.

"Ughh.... Come on! Fudge!" I said as I attempted to break the chains but I only hurt my wrist in the process, now it's bleeding and I need Blood like right now. I screamed in frustration. Ughhhh... I'm freakin' thirsty! I need blood! Who fuckin' chained me?! The door to this room burst opened and in comes the princess.

"Here." She gave me a dead lion cub and I quickly dig my fangs in it and sucked its blood. Sorry baby lion. If I can be a vampire that doesn't suck blood to live, I would never hurt humans or animals. But sadly, I can't. After I finished my meal, I looked at the girl, who has brown hair and yellow eyes. Hmm... From what kingdom is she?

"Um.. Ano... Thank you for saving me." The Princess suddenly said. Hmm... I can sense that she's a tsundere! By the blush on her cheeks, I can tell that she's not used to being grateful. I smiled warmly at her.

"We're even." I said with a giggle. She looked at me in confusion.

"If you had left me in the forest, bleeding. I would have died so thank you." I said, gratefully. By the way...

"Why was that vampire dude chasing you?" I asked.

"Vampire dude?" She laughed a bit at how weird I called the vampire guy.

"He's a dhampir." She answered. Now it was my turn to look at her in confusion.

"Half-human. Half-vampire."

"You're still not answering my question." She chuckled at my impatience.

"I'm getting on it." She's actually sweet. I thought she was a tsundere. Hmm... I need to stal- no, observe her.

"You see, humans can only be a full-fledged vampire with the help of royal vampire blood."

"Ohh... So that's why. By the way, what kingdom are you from?" I asked. Wow, I'm beginning to feel like I was annoying her. I looked at her face to confirm if I was right or wrong. I saw her smiling at my curiosity and at me. I sighed in relief, I thought I was annoying her.

"You're really cute when you're curious." She commented. I blushed. First time...

"Thanks." I muttered.

"For your question, I'm the Princess of Elaria."

"Hmm.. Isn't that kingdom surrounded in flames?" I heard of Elaria when Yukina taught me about some princess shit.

"Yup. And how about you? Are you just a regular vampire or something more?" She asked, suspiciously.

"I never seen a vampire that is skillfull enough to kill a dhampir." Can I tell her? Can I trust her? I breathe in and closed my eyes, I opened them and looked straight into her eyes to read her heart if it's okay to trust. It's like I'm hypnotizing her but my eyes aren't like swirling or something, they just changed into yellow. After that, I blinked and my eyes turned back normal; also breaking her from my spell.

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