we'll meet again

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Alex ran down the streets of London, pulling her coat closer as she wove through the crowded streets. She finally reached her agent's office, hanging her coat up quickly before waving hello to the receptionist, Magaret.

"Evening. I brought cookies." Alex smiled shyly. "I'm sorry I'm late."

Margaret smiled warmly. "Don't worry love. He's in a good mood today."

Alex grinned. "Shall I go in then?"

"By all means."

Alex knocked on the door. "Mr.Lewis, it's Alexandra."

A voice yelled back. "Come in, come in Alex!"

An old but otherwise jolly-looking man sat behind the desk, ushering her in. "Please sit. I have news." Alex's stomach fluttered, but she kept herself level. He smiled once again. "I just spoke with Norman Keen, the producer from Abbey Road Studios, and he's agreed to record and release your song!" He clapped. "How about that?"

Alex didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "I- I can't believe it."

He grinned. "He said he's never heard a better demo in his career. Can't wait to work with you."

"Thank you! When would I record?"

"Tomorrow." He went through the papers she assumed were for her to sign. "Does that work for you?"

Alex almost broke down crying. Tomorrow was Peter's birthday, the birthday that she had been planning for months. She took a deep breath and nodded. "What time?"

He looked up slowly. "Is there a problem?"

She shook her head quickly. "No not at all! I just wanted to put it down on my calendar."

Mr.Lewis laughed. "You women and your writing. It's at 4 pm."

Alex would have been much more annoyed if it wasn't for the news she had just received. She stood up quickly. "That's wonderful. Thank you so much, Mr.Lewis! So much!"

He waved his hands, smiling. "This was all your work dear. You are my favorite client."

Alex laughed. "Thank you! I'll see you tomorrow, 4 pm!"

"See you then Ms.Reed!"

She shut the door and almost sank to the ground. Margaret looked at the young girl with a glint of humor in her eyes. "I assume you had plans for tomorrow."

Alex nodded. "I did, yes. But he'll understand. He'll understand."

Margaret laughed. "Are you talking to me or yourself darling?" She stood up, holding out Alex's coat. "Here. You'll need it."

Alex smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Mrs.Martin." She threw it on quickly and yelled out a goodbye. If she ran fast enough, she could catch the last train to the other side of town. She tried not to run into anyone and quickly looked both ways before running across the road. A loud honk rang through the otherwise quiet night, and Alex jumped, falling into the sidewalk.

She shook her head and opened her eyes slowly. A familiar voice echoed in her mind. "Alex?" The voice got louder. "Alex!"

She was in London, that was for sure, but it looked- it looked less dismal. Lucy was standing across from her, her face looked disappointed. She looked up, and Edmund was trying not to laugh. "How is it you always trip over your own feet?"

Alex shoved Edmund off of her. "I didn't mean to. I was just-"

He nudged her, walking along the sidewalk. "You were just daydreaming."

"I didn't know that was a crime, Edmund."

"It is when it's about my brother." He scoffed. "He's been in at Professor Digory's for two months; it's not like he's-" He stopped, his face looking rather guilty. "I'm sorry, I just meant-"

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