chapter one

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"Where is your brother?" Alex laughed, looking back at Lucy. "I swear he was here a minute ago." 

"Trying to join the army again. It's all he talks about." 

Alex sighed. "He's much too young. He needs to be patient. If he's 18 and the war is still going on, then by all means." 

Lucy raised one eyebrow, a humorous look on her face. "That's not what you said when he was twelve." 

The older girl glared. "That was different, and you know it. Besides, Peter's old enough, and he's not joining." 

"But Peter's in training to be a doctor. That's something the war effort needs." Lucy smirked. "I'll be right back." 

She stalked towards the church, determination etched on her face. Alex hadn't seen her this resolute since she had returned from rescuing Susan from King Tisroc. Aslan, that seemed like ages ago.

Edmund sulked, walking behind Lucy out of the church. Alex smirked. "Why did you even try?"

He rolled his eyes. "I'm a king. I've fought wars and led armies." 

Lucy shook her head. "Not in this world." 

"Yeah. Instead, I'm stuck here doing battle with Eustace Clarence Scrubb. If anyone so deserves a name." 

Alex laughed, patting his shoulder. "I think this is a battle you'll easily survive." 

"I might, but my sanity..." He shivered. "I'll never be the same." 

Lucy looked behind the pair longingly, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. Alex smiled sympathetically. Looking at that couple made her long for Peter even more than usual. She had been a yearning teenager not long ago, and she remembered that feeling all too well. Edmund squinted. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." She grabbed the bike's handles out of his reach and walked away. "Come on, then." 

Alex followed closely behind the two siblings. They were both nearly adults. It felt like she'd blinked, and they'd grown three feet. And now, with Peter gone and Susan in America, she'd realized that everything would truly be the same again. It scared her to think that only ten years ago, she'd been with the Pevensies, playing football in the backyard with Peter in her brand-new stockings. 

She'd tripped, and he'd stood there laughing. Then, realizing that she was hurt, he'd kneeled down beside her, trying his best to comfort her. And then she'd use his compassion to her advantage, scoring while he was down. 

Now she hadn't seen him in two months. 

Her daydreaming soon became her enemy, and she tripped over a misplaced brick. Her body practically crumbled to the ground, and Lucy stood above her, a faint smile on her lips. Alex glared at the Pevensie boy, who was trying his hardest not to laugh. Instead, he covered his mouth with his hand. "How is it you always trip over your own feet?" He reached out, smirking. 

Alex shoved Edmund away from her. "I didn't mean to. I was just-"

He nudged her, walking along the sidewalk. "You were just daydreaming."

"I didn't know that was a crime, Edmund."

"It is when it's about my brother." He scoffed. "He's been in at Professor Digory's for two months; it's not like he's-" He stopped, his face looking rather guilty. "I'm sorry, I just meant-"

Alex rolled her eyes. "I know Ed. It's alright. Besides, can't a girl miss her fiance?" She looked over at Lucy, and her smile dropped. "Lu? You alright?" Lucy stared at the ground, and Alex raised her voice. "Lu?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07 ⏰

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