Every Noise You Make (SoonHoon) 🔞

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Soonyoung felt like hes been floating on Cloud Nine ever since he and Jihoon had confessed to each other a few days ago. Even his friends had picked up on how he seemed to glow, and Soonyoung had to laugh it off, offering only an explanation that life was going well.

Going well was an understatement. Soonyoung felt like his chest would burst every time Jihoon leaned over to brush his hair, kissed his forehead, or surprise him with a back hug. Hearing Jihoons giddy laughs made him smile too.

Soonyoung walked into the kitchen, intending to make a pot of coffee.

As he was going through the motions on autopilot to make coffee, Soonyoung glanced over at the small kitchen table Jihoon had. He had told the other boy before that he mostly took his meals into his room to eat, the table more for appearances and home to mail and knick-knacks. Lately though, the two had been spending their meal times together, cuddled on the couch while a random documentary played on in the background.

Soonyoung hummed at the thought, before realizing that one of the kitchen chairs was missing. Hmm, that was strange.

Maybe Jihoon took it? Soonyoung thought as the coffee machine beeped at him, signaling its completion. Soonyoung poured himself a cup, before adding a few spoon full of sugar and cream, swirling it to make sure everything was dissolved.

Soonyoung wandered back down the hall, stopping in front of Jihoons bedroom door, which was opened a crack. He shuffled foot to foot before making a decision and knocking on the door.

Jihoon? He asked, knocking again, before opening the door an inch.

Soonyoung leaned in, not wanting to disturb in case Jihoon was in the middle of doing something.

Jihoon? He whispered.

The younger boy looked up, hearing the whisper. He had a pillow in his hands, and oh, there was the missing kitchen chair by his desk, his usual office chair pushed to the side.

Hey Soonyoung, Jihoon greeted. Perfect timing. Come here baby. He set the pillow down on the kitchen chair and Soonyoung crossed the room.

Jihoon met him with a hug, and Soonyoung carefully put his mug down on the desk before returning the hug. He nuzzled his face into Jihoons chest, inhaling his cologne, and felt his body relax.

Jihoon stroked Soonyoungs styled locks gently before looking down at the mug. Coffee? he asked.

Soonyoung smiled sheepishly. Just one cup, I promise. he said.

Jihoon stared at the sheer size of the mug, almost as big as the mic he had set up. Babe, he trailed off.

Just one. Jihoon sighed, knowing Soonyoung would get his way with just a pout and innocent look anyways. Soonyoung gave him an angelic smile in return.

I was actually wondering if you were free? Jihoon questioned.

Oh! I promised Seokmin I would join him for dinner tonight. Soonyoung said. "Would you like to join us ?

Jihoon hummed thoughtfully before shaking his head. Nah, Ill be busy with this track. Next time maybe.

Oh! Youre making a new song? Soonyoung perked up.

Not new, Jihoon explained. I redid and recorded most of it, thanks to my muse. He gave Soonyoung a peck on the nose, loving the way the older boy flushed.

Its almost done, just gotta tweak a few things. Jihoonvsmirked, tilting Soonyoungs chin up to meet his eyes. And to record the background vocals.

He winked and Soonyoung blushed harder, remembering the promise he had made in bed a couple days ago.

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