Eyes Off (MinWon)❗

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Mingyu cant quite handle the sight of Wonwoo right now — emerging from their room, hair mussed from sleep, drowning in a hoodie and joggers. Theres nothing too startling about it all, its just that hes wearing Mingyus hoodie. As in, its loose around his shoulders and arms, so long that its bunched around his wrists and waist.

It takes Mingyus breath away.

"You want anything from the store?" Wonwoo has his keys in his hand, piece of toast in his mouth and one foot already out the door.

Mingyu works through the fuzz in his brain, fog-thick and cloying." U-uh, no. Thanks ."

Wonwoo sends a confused glance his way." Okay, see you later, baby. "

The door closes with the whoosh of air from Mingyus lungs, and hes increasingly aware of the skip in his heartbeat. He should probably be worried about how possessive he feels, he thinks. But the vision of Wonwoo in his clothes — too big, too dark, and yet all-too captivating — makes all the other thoughts in his head swim just out of reach.

It follows him throughout the day, lingering in the back of his mind in calls and meetings and when hes working on new songs. He realises it might have become an actual problem when he starts writing lyrics like swamped in my drip, take your eyes off my bitch . [lowkey I ate this Line]

Not that hes mad about it (hes really not — quite the opposite, in fact). He just knows that Wonwoo will hold this over his head for as long as he can. He grins at the thought of it, of the light igniting behind those eyes with the knowledge that he has another part of Mingyu completely figured out.

Mingyu decides to get back at him, pre-emptively, by recording some of the background vocals needed for the backing to his new song. Maybe it'll even help his mind focus for a minute.

Warming up his voice takes a while, and he hears Wonwoo come back in with the groceries before he really starts going for it.

The strain on his vocals is brutal but its worth it, letting loose take after take. And his voice afterwards will be wrecked.

When he emerges from the studio, Wonwoos still in his hoodie, and he hands him a cup of hot tea. Mingyu smiles, grateful. Theres even lemon in it. "Thanks, baby." Watching those eyes dilate somewhat satisfies the part of him that stirs at the sight of that hoodie on Wonwoo. "You're wearing my hoodie". Its predatory, low, and he watches Wonwoo worry his lower lip.

"S-sorry, I think mine was in the wash, Ill—" He starts pulling the hem of it off.

"No",Wonwoo halts his movements, lets it drop back down." I like it. "Mingyu moves closer to him, lets his voice rumble that extra little bit, just for Wonwoo.

"Oh, uh. T-thanks. Um. Ill keep it on." He still seems nervous over the whole thing.

"Like a lot. I like it a lot. :Mingyu continues, taking a sip of tea, letting it soothe his throat.

Wonwoo blushes and bunches the sleeves of it around his fingers. "You do?"

Mingyu nearly growls," yes, baby. You look so fucking hot." His hands snake under the hem of it, under his shirt too, so that his fingers meet hot skin. Wonwoo grins, leans into him. Hands on Mingyus chest.

Their lips tease each other, grins making it hard to focus.

'I couldnt stop thinking about you earlier.' Mingyu kisses down Wonwoos throat, to the peek of skin just above his collar bone. He sucks a mark or two there, letting Wonwoos grip twist in his hair to keep him close.

"And you can stop thinking about me now?" Its breathy, rich with desire, and Mingyu wants more.

The teasing tone of it even has Mingyu chuckling against his skin. The digs of his nails into Wonwoos skin makes Wonwoos breath even faster.

"Mm, never."

Wonwoo huffs a laugh at that.

And then he just gasps into Mingyus hair, makes noises that make Mingyu smirk.

With a groan, Wonwoo lifts Mingyus chin up and meets his eyes." I have to get ready for the outing. "

Mingyu squeezes tighter around Wonwoos waist, the cool metal of Mingyus rings warming to his skin. "I should probably stop distracting you, then. "

Wonwoo smiles when Mingyu starts kissing him again, lips parting to meet him halfway. Wonwoos hand cups Mingyus jaw, drags him closer for a few moments more.

"Baby, I really have to go now. "Wonwoo puts his hands back on Mingyus chest, kisses him softly on the lips.

Mingyu just groans and tries to follow those lips, but Wonwoo backs away with a smirk.

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