8 - Come with me

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It's 9 am, and Felix is on his way to pick up his precious book

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It's 9 am, and Felix is on his way to pick up his precious book.
For some reason, Seoul looks beautiful to him today. What happened last night? Even that obscure little salon on his street looks pretty.
Grey sky - so pretty.
Maybe it rains. That's nice.

He gets out of a cab holding his bag like there's a carta magna inside. He's been in this building once before, to speak with the agent, and he was not even close to this level of nervousness.
Why is he nervous? It's just a guy. Who happens to be a talented dancer. And who has luscious lips. Nothing more. Right? Right.

He pushes the door open, and sees a whole bunch of girls in the lobby. Some of them are hysterical, some of them crying. Each one wants to be as close as possible to the reception desk.
Felix looks around, left and right.

"Let's see who really matters here...
The reception girl? Definitely not.
The security guy? Nope."

An angry-looking woman, followed by a security twice her size, walks forward.

"Bingo. She's looks important."

Felix walks up to her when she suddenly yells at the top of her lungs:
- Everyone who came here for a black book, go to that corner over there, and take one sheet of paper!
Answer questions on the paper and leave your phone number on it.
Once you fill it out, leave it at the desk and exit the building immediately.

A stampede of girls and occasional boy pushes forward to get a paper.

The lady stops her gaze at Felix.
He even bows a little, unsure of why she stares at him.
She leans to the security guard and, never taking eyes off of Felix, says something. The guard walks over to Felix, grabs him by the arm and walks him to the scary woman.
Her face expression is frozen. He can't tell is she angry or mad or what?

- You. Who are you?

- Lee Felix, Ma'am.

- Where are you from?

- Sydney, Australia, Ma'am.

- Where do you work?

- At the company across the street.

- I see. Interesting.
You been here before, haven't you?

- Once, yes. For modeling job.

She checks him out one more time, and a tiny smile appears on her lips.

- Lee, you come with me.

And just like that, he passes the gate to the magical Kpop land. He enters the elevator with the scary lady and a security guy. Once they are out, they enter something that looks like a meeting room.

- Take a seat, Lee. - she says and closes the door behind them. - Did you bring that item you were supposed to bring?

- I did.

- Ok, you can now give it to me.

- I can, but I need my book too.

- Yes, yes, you'll get it. Just show me what you got first.

He reaches into his bag and pulls out a rectangle shaped object, wrapped in a blue bojagi.

- Oh, but now I can't see what's inside.

- I know this is his book. It has an ice cream poem and many beautiful drawings. Mostly flowers, but also landscapes and portraits.
You can let him open the wrapping, can you?

Her face expression changes, and somehow she is not scary any more. Now she looks entertained, like a little girl who found out a secret.

- Right, Felix, I think you're the one.
I'll ask him to come here.

The odd lady exits the room and leaves him alone. Out in a hallway, she even giggles a little. Her feet go surprisingly fast for her frame, and she almost runs into her office to find the nervous looking Hyunjin who's pacing up and down.

- I found him, Hyunjin!! It's definitely him!

- Really??? What does he-

- No, no, no.
First, repeat to me what are you not going to do any more.

- I'm not going to talk on live about personal stuff any more. - he speaks, but his whole body is turned towards the door, ready to rush out.

- Because...

- Because fans created a mess in the lobby, and staff can't get to the office.

- And...

- And some people now claim that I have their book, but I don't.

- Right. The staff has been busy answering phone calls the whole morning. And the finder of your book could publish it, or sell your unreleased songs and... do you even listen to me?

- I do, I do. I just...

- Fine. Go see him, he's in the meeting room number 3. He's really cute. - she smiles but Hyunjin already disappeared in a thin air.

Meanwhile, in a meeting room number 3, Felix gets up from his seat and immediately goes back down to sit, and then quickly gets up again because he doesn't want to sit and why not it's his body he can get up if he wants to maybe better sit down or—-

- Hello...?

The vision Felix saw on his cell phone screen appears in a physical human form at the doorway.

He's breathtaking.


I am having so much fun
writing this! 🤭😆


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