30 - Follow me 2

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- Now, Lix, turn around for me

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- Now, Lix, turn around for me.

Felix obediently turns around, the back of the sofa is now right in front of him, and he waits. All he feels is his heart, still beating like crazy.

- Mmm... how bad do you want me now?

- I really want you, so bad.

- Just be pretty like that, and... I like to hear you, talk to me, baby.

The next thing Felix feels is Hyunjin's naked chest, pressed to his back and his sweet, warm breath caressing the skin.
It's not like he wants to remove his blindfold, he can't see Hyunjin in this position anyway, but he worries he might moan a bit too much tonight. Everything feels ten times more intense when he's in total dark.

He feels kisses on his back, so gentle and needy, but he can also feel a hand sliding down, down, all the way to his bottom and finally gently touching the entrance.
Some lube is added, and a finger slowly slides in, very carefully. It then starts moving, touching the silky, smooth skin. The finger is gentle, trying not to hurt him, and kisses never stop.

A sound escapes from Felix's lips, and he gets rewarded with another finger. Soon, he lets out a moan of pure pleasure, and gets rewarded with some soft moves inside.
At this point, moans are just coming out of him one after another.
He's loving this game. His whole body responds to the touch, from his insides all the way to fingertips.

- Are you ready, babe?

- Oh yes, I'm ready... yes...

He hears a buckle opening, then probably pants falling down, maybe Hyunjin just kicked the rest of his clothes with a foot.
He hears a sound of a condom wrap ripped with teeth... must be teeth because one hand is still caressing him... and then, he feels the tip of a hard cock slightly pushing in, just a little.

- I love how you feel... you're so perfect for me...

- Oh the things you do to me...

With some skilled and patient moves, the whole length gets inside, then they stop to take a moment before they start.
Felix says quietly, only for Hyunjin to hear:

- Make me call your name...

The ride starts, and it's just as good as the first part was. It goes on and on, taking them higher and higher. Just when they feel the heat rising to the top, it gets even better. Sweat drops form on their bodies, and Felix holds on to that poor sofa that even starts moving forward, but Hyunjin pulls him back in, and hits him the right way over and over again.
Felix almost winces at the feeling, and his body tightens up around Hyunjin, he barely stands on his feet any more. It feels good, so good his whole body is feeling it.

Even with that delicious foreplay earlier, he keeps getting hit by more
pleasure shocks, and he feels the climax get him. He reaches his high and then enjoys the free fall to the fullest, with all the ripple effects of the orgasm.
- Hyunjin...

Soon after, Felix hears Hyunjin's orgasm call behind him and it makes him feel all kind of stuff, all at once.
He feels proud, deranged, fulfilled, ecstatic.... they moan at the same time and stay frozen for a second, or five... or longer. The time disappears.

- That was awesome... - Hyunjin states quietly, and leans his sweaty, hot body on top of Felix's back.

- You can kidnap me any day, Jinnie...

Hyunjin gently removes the scarf from his eyes, and places thankful kisses on his red back (when did those kiss bites happen?).
When they separate, he helps Felix stand up and walk to the bed. He leaves him on the bed, all lulled and content, and goes to make a bath for them.

As Felix hears water running in the background, he looks up at the ceiling and just smiles happily. He drifts off with a big smile on his face.


In the morning, Felix is blessed with a view of beautiful Hyunjin by his side. If he could, he would choose to wake up like this for the rest of his life.
He slowly slides one leg, then the other, and gets up to find his jacket somewhere on the floor, at the apartment entrance. 
He reaches inside the pocket, and smiles. The box is still there, good.

He pulls out a velvet box and, from it, takes out a necklace that he got for Hyunjin. It seemed like a great idea when he saw it at the store. It looked like something that Jinnie would love to wear, but now, suddenly, he's not sure any more. Is Hyunjin going to find it weird that he got him a gift after just a few dates?

Either way, Hyunjin made him happy and he helped him forget the past.
Just for that, for being himself and helping Felix be happy again - he wants to do something special. What is money anyway if you can't use it to buy nice things for people you love?

Felix hangs the necklace on the bedside table lamp, so Hyunjin can discover it later himself. He adds a small note by the lamp: For Jinnie, from Felix.

Then he snuggles back to bed, and waits for Hyunjin to wake up.
Or for his alarm to wake up the whole building.


I would write a note at the end of the chapter, like I usually do, but those two left me speechless 😳.

p.s. the twin is in detention 🙄.


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